The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

The i5-3570K is a sound platform to build an fsx rig around but you need to get a dedicated video card. As !bluetonic! says fsx (as with fs2004) is largely cpu bound so adding a cheapish (£20-30) aftermarket cooler and overclocking to 4.2GHz for example will make an improvement. Traditionally in the past nvidia cards have performed better than their AMD counterparts but not too sure on how the latest generation perform. For around the £100 mark for nvidia cards you may be better off going down the route of second hand and picking up a GTX470/480/570 as the latest generation hasn't been refreshed as of yet. As for the red team, the 2GB 7850 offers by far and away the best bang for buck and also have massive overclocking potential but as mentioned before I'm not too sure whether the latest AMD cards have solved the shader problems of the past?

i think installing fsx shader mod AMD cards are on par with nvidias, fsx wise.
V, (I'm) being a bit dumb here, what can this do that can't?

I tend to agree with Blue. With planeplotter and/or these websites I can't see why you would bother buying one.

I thought if you get one of these you can get more coverage? It allows you to see more planes?

Maybe its me being dumb here( don't answer that :p)

We flying this week? Tomorrow is good and Thursday about 80%
Morning all,

I can't fly tonight, but can do Thursday. I have my next P1 session tomorrow.

As for the coverage, I know that the ATR 72-600 does transmit the GPS data but it's siblings don't. Therefore you wouldn't see them on the the spotting sites.

My real-world flight to Cardiff didn't happen yesterday. Damn you low cloud cover and fog... :p
Hey Ringo,

So I put my name down for the P1.
I've had my first sessions which was going through the slides and asking questions.
My second session has been changed a few times, but is hopefully tomorrow where we'll plan a flight.
Third lesson should be where we'll fly the planned flight.

If all goes well, I'll follow it up with a P2.

Other than that it's fine. I flew with V last Thursday and I messed up a flight from Aldergrove (knew you'd be pleased) to Stanstead. I hadn't put my arrival in the FMC (as I didn't know which to pick) and then it deteriorated from there.

Vatsim's 'Cross the Pond' event was last Saturday. I didn't participate as 1) I couldn't sit virtually flying for 7 hours and 2) I wouldn't know how to 'cross the pond'. But the number of pilots was impressive. See pic in link.

My comfort zones are still flying in/out of the South West and around Ireland. But I need to get my act together and fly more in London.

How's yours?
Ah I thought you were maybe doing some controller training! I haven't flown in a good while now as I've been working away from home. I installed Windows 8 on my gaming machine and having a few problems with FSX too.
No controller training. I'll just stick to poor piloting and not poor piloting and poor controlling.

They did ask, but I said I wasn't interested. Lee from Vatsim opens up Swansea everynow and then, but I can never see any traffic there. If I did it, I'd like to make Kemble 'mine', but I doubt I'd see much traffic. There's an opportunity to be a piloting mentor for the training scheme which I may pursue.
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