The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

First of all get him to read all this thread - it might take a week!

FSX is all about CPU power so if he can get something like an i5 overclocked to at least 4GHz then that would be a good start. There are many tips and tweaks listed in this thread which can be used to get better performance on FSX.

I'm assuming he already has purchased Flight Sim X?

On another note it looks like Rex Essential Plus/Overdrive has been released!
First of all get him to read all this thread - it might take a week!

FSX is all about CPU power so if he can get something like an i5 overclocked to at least 4GHz then that would be a good start. There are many tips and tweaks listed in this thread which can be used to get better performance on FSX.

I'm assuming he already has purchased Flight Sim X?

On another note it looks like Rex Essential Plus/Overdrive has been released!

Thanks for the reply.

He is basically playing it on a laptop, but he regularly visits my house and uses my PC to play it.

I have a

Ivy i5 @ 4.8ghz
3gb 7970 @1.2ghz / 1.5ghz
Samsung SSD

So the performance is based around my machine, as he knows his laptop can just play it.

Sadly i only have about 10 hours to get the game ready before he comes around tonight and i want to give him a surprise :D
I bought REX from flightsimstore website and the links in it have been updated. That's how I got mine. Well actually I haven't got it yet as all the download servers have crashed.
I bought REX from flightsimstore website and the links in it have been updated. That's how I got mine. Well actually I haven't got it yet as all the download servers have crashed.

Ah cheers mate. I just got their email too. I bought it from the flightsimstore. Will check with them.

I'm loving the QW Avro RJ best £30 quid I spent on a plane for ages. Still struggling with the landing a bit :rolleyes: but will get it sorted.


My REX Plus is ready too but as you said, server is down will try later.
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Me too! -650fpm the other day... Didn't feel that bad - not sure if VAFS 5 is 'measuring' it right...

Practice I suppose. Fun little plane though!


I'm getting a bit better but still not great. I think my plane is too heavy. I practising landing at London City, so that's a good test.
I managed to get REXE+ downloaded today from FSS but the OD update comes only from REX forum. Once it downloaded I discovered the zip was corrupted - the REX guys need to fix it still.
I managed to get REXE+ downloaded today from FSS but the OD update comes only from REX forum. Once it downloaded I discovered the zip was corrupted - the REX guys need to fix it still.

Ringo, I downloaded mine from the SimStore Shop. Took bloody ages! I used a download manager(this is what they recommend)and have not had any issues. What is the OD update? Do I need this too?

I had to go through all my settings again but it doesn’t take long to setup. I can see a few changes within the GUI but I think the biggest changes are sever side and how the weather is updated from the REX servers to our computers. Another change I like is, you can select historic weather and go back quite far. I choose New York around super storm Sandy. That worked well. Not sure what the other big changers are?
Overdrive is basically another expansion pack that sits on top of RexE+. I think it is the same as the extra OD bonus pack they released for REX is previous iterations.

I'm back from holiday. The flight back to Bristol was awesome. The weather was sunny and light. 'We' flew over Berry Head, Exmoor, downwind on a left hand circuit for runway 27 at Bristol on an Easyjet Airbus A320. The touch down was silky smooth and it didn't seem like anything more than idle reverse thrust was used before we exited the runway.

On holiday, I had PC Pilot and 2 other airline/airport magazines to read.

I've done a couple of FSX flights over the weekend as I was getting withdrawal symptoms. Mainly with the ATR 72 from Guernsey to Bristol.

On VATSIM, Bristol is having a 'real-world' event on 24th November.

I'm hopefully keeping that day free to do as many flights as I can. Anyone else interested in joining me? I can metaphorically hold your hand if you're new to VATSIM.

I've downloaded the REX update and that seems okay. I've re-tweaked my FSX.cfg so I think my PC is the best it's gonna be.

I've been looking at getting more hardware and seen that Yokes, Radios, Multi-panels and throttles are all competitively priced these days.

I'm still waiting for that airbus.. and have also toyed with the idea of purchasing one of the following, the MD-11, MD-80, Avro RJ and Wilco Airbus.

How's everyone else doing with their FSX?
Hi blue, I haven't been on in a while but have got REXE+ OD installed now. Still having bad problems with blurry textures in Windows 8. I'm not sure what the cause so I have to take another look at it soon.

Just waiting patiently until the 777 arrives from PMDG!
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