The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Stevie, sorry to dash off. I hope you landed okay and learnt loads?

No probs blue. Thanks for your help today. Hope you didn't get into trouble:eek: I completely stuffed the landing because I wasn't keeping a close eye on throttle/speed so overshot. Lesson learned here. I then flew VFR in a Cessna caravan from EGFF to EGKA with ATC at EGKA. It was great to fly into as I just bought the FTX Shoreham scenery.

Happy landings (pun intended)
The PMDG 777 looks amazing, cannot wait until it comes out!

I'm having a problem with Orbx England at the moment and was wondering if anyone might be able to help.

I reformatted my PC yesterday and spent most of that and today reinstalling everything back to how it was. I reinstalled FSX and all my add-ons and everything works perfectly. However, I now have the bug where when I fly outside of Orbx England, the scenery in the rest of the world gradually becomes blurry until it gets to the point that you cannot make anything out and it looks a mess.

My problem is this never happened to me before I reinstalled everything. I checked the Orbx forums and there are threads with this same problem. Apparently the problem was fixed for some in SP1 which has not worked for me this time. The only other solution is to save when leaving England and then switch to default in FTXCentral but this isn't viable for me when I use FSPassengers or the Airbus X Extended.

If anyone has any ideas that might help, it will be much appreciated!

Here are some screenshots from some random flights:









No probs blue. Thanks for your help today. Hope you didn't get into trouble:eek: I completely stuffed the landing because I wasn't keeping a close eye on throttle/speed so overshot. Lesson learned here. I then flew VFR in a Cessna caravan from EGFF to EGKA with ATC at EGKA. It was great to fly into as I just bought the FTX Shoreham scenery.

Happy landings (pun intended)

You're more than welcome. No, I didn't get into trouble :p. I was hoping I had another 30 mins of time, but t'wife must have been driving too fast back from B'ham.

Landing the 737, it takes lots of practice. Watch what the autoland does and then try to copy..

Uploaded with

Just getting back into FSX, first attempt at a screenie.

Read thru most of the thread (eyes burning) to glean as much info as poss.

I've installed Rex Essentials plus and Orbx UK, am i missing

anything that would benefit me.

What are the best sites for more realistic Aircraft.( freeware/payware)

Very intereste in Heli's but there doesn't seem much about :(

Any and all help appreciated :)

So the pinnacle of best payware aircraft is the PMDG 737, but the iFly is still a very good model.

The forthcoming PMDG 777 should reset the bar. If they're now tweaking with dimmer switches and have modelled glowing brake heat, then we're in for a treat.

PlanG is an excellent freeware mapping tool that integrates well with FSX.

Tweaking your FSX config for best FPS and visuals is an art and there's a link around here on how to do so.

As for Helicopters, I'm afraid I don't know. I thought the Huey has been perfectly modelled in DCS.

Vatsim is great if you want real-world virtual ATC.
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