The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

:mad: Finish getting your Dash 8 Q400 rating, then you can mess around with freeware.:p

I did my first full flight in the 777 from Cardiff to Glasgow. It's a huge mother. Ends of runways come far too soon.

None of my Elite controls work with it. :( And after a successful autoland, I forgot to engage reverse thrust on the keyboard on touchdown.

And it pushes my hardware to the limits.
Hi Guys,

After a break of a year or 2 from FSX i am looking to get back into it after i just saw the ORBX Northern Ireland add-on which looks great.
However the thing that made me abandon FSX in the first place was the dismal performance after i installed an add on (i think it was REX). I just got really annoyed and uninstalled it all.
Now i have done a few tweaks with the cfg file in the past so am not new to that. However after doing a bit more research i am totally overwhelmed with the number of tweaks and amount of advice. And i have never used this Nvidea inspector people are on about? Can someone please point me in the direction of a 'definitive guide' for getting the most of FSX and making it look like those reality videos on YouTube.
I know its all down to individual add on's and spec, but a good basis to start on would be great.

2500K @ 4.6ghz
8GB RAM @ 1866mhz
2 X 2GB 670 SLI

Cheers for any advice
Hello Tintin,

I use an ATI card so can't help with that, but to clarify, Rex is a weather and texture engine. You set up your textures, that then gets installed to the FSX folder. You only need to do this once everytime you change your textures.

The weather engine injects your chosen weather into FSX while you're flying. This process is still ropey and is not yet seamless. but ultimately looks great.

Therefore you could use the textures from Rex and another efficient weather engine such as Active Sky.

I have a network setup which has Rex running on a second PC. This frees up resource on my main PC.

With FSX being so CPU dependent, have a look in task manager. See if anything is taking up valuable CPU resources.

Also get FSX on an SSD if you haven't done so already. Also reduce AI traffic sliders.

Keep us updated.
Cheers guys,
I believe my problem may have been that i tried to run REX with the clouds on max res, as i distinctly remember my PC shuddering to single FPS when any cloud was present.

Would i be right in saying i could install FS Global X (to improve global scenery detail), then ORX Global on top of that (to improve ground textures), and then REX on top of that (to improve weather textures). Then finally ORBX local scenery pack of my liking. Would that work?

Thanks for the help, i shall post a few screenshots when i have this running.
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Cheers guys,
I believe my problem may have been that i tried to run REX with the clouds on max res, as i distinctly remember my PC shuddering to single FPS when any cloud was present.

Would i be right in saying i could install FS Global X (to improve global scenery detail), then ORX Global on top of that (to improve ground textures), and then REX on top of that (to improve weather textures). Then finally ORBX local scenery pack of my liking. Would that work?

There's been lots going on with ORBX at the moment. Their last big annoucement was world domination. Maybe get this first?! (Not that I have it, but I'd love to see screenshots from a forum member. :p)

Just one more question. Flight planning. Whats the best and easiest to use software. I wish to follow real world routes in stead of GPS point to point.

For flight planning, I've long been an advocate of Aivlasoft EFB. It is expensive, but awesome. The creator is working on 'version 2' which will be a paid upgrade for me, so it may be worth hanging on for. It's the one software that made IFR flying make sense to me.

However, for ease, you need a plane with an FMC or equivalent to follow real realworld plans or you'll have your work load increased reading paper charts, tuning in VOR frequencies and working out distances between waypoints.
Cheers guys,
I believe my problem may have been that i tried to run REX with the clouds on max res, as i distinctly remember my PC shuddering to single FPS when any cloud was present.

Would i be right in saying i could install FS Global X (to improve global scenery detail), then ORX Global on top of that (to improve ground textures), and then REX on top of that (to improve weather textures). Then finally ORBX local scenery pack of my liking. Would that work?

Thanks for the help, i shall post a few screenshots when i have this running.

If you want to use REX cloud textures then don't install any higher than the 1024x1024 resolution....if you go any higher they wont really look much better but the performance hit will increase drastically.

FS Global is a mesh addon - this will provide more accurate ground elevations (hills, valleys) etc.
You can then install FTX global which will vastly improve on the FSX default ground textures (fields, towns etc).

Your ground/land addons are all managed from the scenery library in the fsx menu, they must all be in the correct vertical order or they wont work properly.
REX is nothing to do with select the textures you want form rex, install them then close rex. Its a one-time operation until you wish to change the textures again

Doesn't really matter in which order you install them as long as you manage their hierarchy position in the scenery library properly.

Just think of your scenery addons as the layers of a cake....the layers have to be stacked correctly or it all goes wrong


Addon airports
Regional Scenery (e.g FTX England / Scotland etc) <---if you have any
Ground Textures (FTX Global)
Mesh (FS Global)
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Some screenshots from Orbx's EGHI Southampton:







I posted a while ago, but I am finally ready to get stuck in some FSX. Going to order FSX Gold shortly, I assume there is nothing new coming out on the horizon :)

Would love if you guys can answer my questions.

1 - What do you guys do to make the graphics look so good. As I understand it a lot of it is addons. I am interested in London Airports mainly, maybe some in USA perhaps. Can you recommend me addons that make the game look as good as say those Southampton pictures above?

2- Considering getting the Speedlink Black Widow Flightstick, which is being sold for £26.99 currently. Is this a good stick to get or would you recommend something better?

3- I think I may have asked this before, but any issues on Windows 8 running this game and it's addons?

Any other additional advice would be much appreciated :D
I just cant land the Dash :( I'm either going too fast or it just slows down too much!! Just bounced it 5 times :o

Love the plane but if i cant land not much use flying it really :rolleyes:
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