The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

I bought the airline2sim training videos, very interesting, they cover almost everything in the cockpit that you need at "cadet" level and actually complete 3 legs of a 4 leg operational day going from Isle of man to East Midlands down to Guernsey and then back up to Gatwick when they had to stay as they had a cargo door light come on as they where on final. The first officer training is due out soon and they will be going into much more detail.

Definitely one of the best "add-ons" I've bought for FSX. Has really helped me get to grips with the plane. They're also quite amusing. The only negative is that they do talk a little fast at times, so need to replay some sections, but no big deal.
I'm up to part 5 on the Airline2Sim videos. ʘʘ

I highly recommend them.

Great Dash-8 pics up there too.. ▲

I was fortunate enough to be on nights at work and had nothing to do on both nights so I ploughed through and watched the lot! looking forward to the next in the series
Nice shots of the Dash 8. Such a great aircraft to fly!

Anyone thinking of getting the new FTX OpenLC from ORBX, just been released today? Not sure whether to bother to be honest. I already have UTX Europe and have FTX Eng/Wall/Scot and Gobal. Tend to fly heavies and tubes so not sure it'll be worth it plus I only really fly in Europe. I guess to make the most of it you really need to get Vector (which would replace UTX) and then FS Global 2010 for mesh. All adds up to over £100!
mug alert! I bought FTX OpenLC EU today, downloads are a bit slow, one is still telling me it's going to take another 3 days to complete. I already have both Global and Vectors, and a terrain mesh from before, so just another ~22 quid. Will be interesting to see what the UK looks like, I only have the photo scenery which I'll disable so I can have a gander. I don't think I could use the Orbx UK airports without the UK Region so they still won't get me to buy any of them. I really don't see why JV moans the UK airports didn't sell well, people who asked about compatibility with the photo scenery got told off and I can only think of 1 person who ditched their photo scenery for Orbx Eng.
Yes bought it too. Not really played with it yet, but will look at it in the next few days.

I ditched my photo scenery for Orbx. You just cant compare.
I ditched my photo scenery for Orbx. You just cant compare.
Of course you can compare, you've ditched a flat real world for a rough 3d interpretation of it. I can see white horses, disused airfields etc, but it might be harder for me to spot a church (although the likelihood is that your church is in the wrong place) Sadly when I saw Revolution X it initially looked good, probably for the same reasons I like the Orbx regions I'm not familiar with, as it provides a believable approximation. However when I fly over places I know, and they are not recognisable, that believability is shattered.
Of course you can compare, you've ditched a flat real world for a rough 3d interpretation of it. I can see white horses, disused airfields etc, but it might be harder for me to spot a church (although the likelihood is that your church is in the wrong place) Sadly when I saw Revolution X it initially looked good, probably for the same reasons I like the Orbx regions I'm not familiar with, as it provides a believable approximation. However when I fly over places I know, and they are not recognisable, that believability is shattered.

Still think its horrible. Fly in NZ with Orbx and then you will see how good it is.
Earth Simulations have their answer. PhotoScenery (PhotoGenESis) at 30cm or 60cm and real-autogen (Autogenesis) in their upcoming products.

The downside is that it's a whopping £81 just for the NW Scotland 30cm version (other versions coming soon), of which £36 is refunded when you send the hard drive it comes on back to them.
I am aware of ES's new stuff but it's too rich for me. I might do where I live just to be able to show off to people I know how good it can look but there's no way I am paying that for a deserted area of Scotland.
Some shots from flights I have done recently. Some of these are from P3Dv2:

Amsterdam departure and Vienna arrival:







Departing Inverness:





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