found my install INFO file and I had SP1B, all updated now!
Folks, can anyone please help a complete FSX newb.
What kind of addons should I get? Im going through the tutorials etc and I want to start my journey in learning how to fly on FSX. ANy graphical add ons etc?
Any advice/experience from fellow FSX players would be grateful.
Cheers Bluetonic, that's a ton of very useful info.
Let me give you a headsup where I am at the moment.
Literally a complete amateur. Owned FSX for many years but didn't dedicate enough time to put into it. Now I want to remedy this.
I never heard of Prepar3d in all honesty, do you think I should start with that despite owning FSX?
At the moment I want to start basic and do all the tutorials, learn the ins and outs of flying, radio, navigation etc etc. I though playing vanilla FSX might be the best way to do this unless you disagree?
At this stage I don't want to spend any money on planes, just on the core engine and whatever comes with FSX, but I do want to "bring it up to speed" in the graphical department as the visuals in Vanilla FSX just look bland. Is there any recommendation in this department? Rex 4 perhaps?
Thanks for the pointers invitation, may I ask what program you guys are using to communicate?
Thanks for the info..
Start with FSX then. To quickly bring things up to speed, and if you're flying in the UK, get the appropriate ORBX package. Also, REX 4 Direct is about £20 and well worth it. However, there are free textures out there, but I've no experience of them.
We have used Mumble Voice server in the past to communicate.
Also, maybe join the CIX VFR club, which Picnic can tell you more about. They were a great help when I was learning what you're wanting to learn.
Also, have a look at the many wonderful YouTube FSX videos out there.
If enough people are interested, I can organise another OCUK VFR Fly-in..
The CIX VFR Club was setup around 10 years ago to promote VFR flying on the VATSIM ATC Network. We have produced a ton of training material for VFR flying and offer VATSIM approved one-on-one training using FSX's or Prepar3d's shared cockpit feature. We're looking at an X-Plane shared cockpit system (not free) but I don't think that's available yet.And lastly, again (sorry to say) not familiar with the CIX VFR club but if Picnic could share info on that, that would be appreciated.
bluetonic, can I ask, is P3D basically FSX ESP brough into the 2010s?
Are there tutorials and what not on P3D?
Would you recommend going for P3D Academic License? I assume its a standalone Sim?
Just another question if I may! I went to the ORBX website as follows:
There are some freeware, but where do I go to get some proper airports?