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Hi all,
I'm looking at coming back to fsx after a while and looked at installing ms fsx se (steam Edition) but after a quick google search there seem to be all sorts of posts about Microsoft killing fsx thru some update on w10.
I'm using windows 10 pro build 1809.
Is fsx still viable or is it true that Microsoft have killed it ??:mad::mad:
I really want to get into this sometime... is Xplane more "friendlier" to get into?

It took me a bit of time to get used to it having used Microsoft flight Sims since the days of FS98, but it's fairly straightforward to be honest.

I initially downloaded a small Android app called X-Plane Key Commands to help me with the basics... Flaps etc until I got used to the changes.

I wouldn't go back now.

Carenado Fokker 50 with Orbx True Earth GB...

Hi all,
I'm looking at coming back to fsx after a while and looked at installing ms fsx se (steam Edition) but after a quick google search there seem to be all sorts of posts about Microsoft killing fsx thru some update on w10.
I'm using windows 10 pro build 1809.
Is fsx still viable or is it true that Microsoft have killed it ??:mad::mad:
I know several people in addition to myself who regularly use FSX:SE in Windows 10.
I used to use UTX, REX and GEX for weather and scenery, are these still up to the job or have the been surpassed by other products?
I'm sure PMDG works with FSX:SE but there may have been an update to support it, I'm not a PMDG user so no actual experience.

If you install FSX:SE on to a computer that has never seen Boxed FSX it uses the original FSX directory structure so everything should just install. If the PC has/had the boxed version FSX:SE installs to a new folder and things become more complicated.
I'm still enjoying playing X Plane 11. I'm not particularly knowledgeable or good with plotting the perfect routes. I hit more than I miss but some routes I set up from Simbrief end up being very odd indeed!

One issue I seem to be getting at the minute is that my STAR isn't always lining me up correctly in that I seem o get put on a certain heading and it follows that ad infinitum, instead of making the final turning towards the runway heading. I'm a bit confused by that. I find myself having to make a manual turn to get on the runway heading for an ILS landing, which I don't understand.

Some routes are fine and line me up perfectly. I find I have more trouble in Europe with routings than I do in the States, not sure why that is.

Other difficulties I have are with the approach to Manchester from the south. It takes me up over the peak district, after which I should in theory make a simple left turn and head towards runway 23L/R. The odd thing is, when it gets to the turn point, instead of making an obvious left hand turn, it instead turns right and does a three quarter turn instead of a simple quarter turn. Its very strange and I'm pretty sure it isn't supposed to do that....???

In other news, I'm going to Deeside Flight Simulators tomorrow for an "airline experience" thing in a real 737-800 simulator. Looking forward to that!
I'm following everything very closely.

I've spent all morning binging on all the Youtubers who were invited to the global preview in Seattle a couple of weeks ago, so I've absorbed all their uploads and content.

I'm very excited to say the least.

My only concern is for the 3rd party add-on community; If MS deliver on the promises of the preview then add-ons such as Active Sky, Exenviro, Orbx regions, mesh, scenery textures etc are all redundant.
This is what I have always wanted to see in a flight simulator. It looks stunning! It is so far ahead visually than anything else on the market.

I can imagine it will impact businesses like orbx a lot.

I was thinking of hanging onto my 4770K for another 1-2 years. But as this is coming out next year, I might just upgrade to Zen 2 soon :)
Anyone else holding off from buying any more add-ons now? I certainly am!

I was a bit dubious at first, but having opinions from FD2S, Froogle and Squirrel all praising it well, I am sold on this so hard. It looks like a flight sim should do in 2020.
I don’t think this gen of gpu’s Will hold up too well tbh.

It’s gonna CPU intensive too, so I can see some major PC upgrades having to be done on the back of this.
I can't remember which dev Q&A video it was, but they mentioned the new Sim will be GPU limited.

Perhaps we are finally moving away from cpu drawcall limited sims.

My P3Dv4 days are finished now; I'm not abandoning XP11 anytime soon however, it's still a great sim and the HotStart TBM is sublime.

Mega excited for FS2020 though, looks incredible.
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