The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Some great shots above, thanks for adding to the thread to the newcomers.

Here is a followup from my previous post on the nostalgic 737-100. It features the very recently released 737-200 addon from Captain Sim, another fantastic looking model which comes with 6 beautifully painted liveries, alas it is only an exterior model, no VC yet but coming soon.

Enjoy the line-up shots:









Its been busy during this week for FSX addon releases. First Captain Sim's 737-200, also McPhat's World Airlines 2 for PMDG 747 plus during the weekend, FSDreamteam releases their highly anticipated KLAX airport.

Enjoy this series of shots of McPhat's latest World Airlines release, containing 5 wonderful High Definition repaints for the PMDG 747.
(shots are unedited apart from resized & JPG'd, REX2.0/ENB mods/Just Flight's Traffic X/Aerosoft's Schiphol & FSDT KLAX was used)









Hot off the press, my latest video, which came up by complete accident (left the PC running while recording) but smacked it together with some appropriate music and I think the end result is post worthy, besides, it shows of FSDT latest KLAX scenery.

Enjoy, best watched in full 1080p.
Heh, the idea is to use reverse thrust AND the brakes.... :D Switch to the carbon ones as well, There's something daft like a 300 kilo weight saving alone so the carriers must have all switched by now. After all weight = Fuel burn = MONEY.

PMDG pretty much killed every other aircraft addon out there for anyone that wants to do more than 20 mins of turn and burn. 777 is on the way but when lol. the 737 600/700 will be handy for the smaller airports as well and they are due end of September along with service pack 1

Also pretty much all the Aerosoft airports are pretty good now.
Yeah i got the UTX Europe, But was thinking of getting OrbX for a global scale! I have REX 2.0 Over drive, not got anything flytampa but will check them out, latinvfr sounds good, will also check out their products.
You'll be pleasantly surprised at how good FlyTampa sceneries are on frames whilst still being great quality, TNCM especially :)
If you're looking for a virtual airline, all pilots of Cayman Airways Virtual get a nice discount on LatinVFR scenery :cool:
Does anyone here run FSX with GameBooster? I've been using it a few weeks,FSX frames set to unlimited and not using any other limited. Game runs smoothly between 40-60fps. It certainly seems to have made a big different for me.

When I load up the app is says enhanced by 42%. Not sure how true this really is but it's worth a try guys.

Edit: I just came across this tool too - it's written by a well known flight sim software guy.

Edit 2: just been getting some fatal errors so I'd look at Gamebooster with caution!
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I have to say I'm totally in love with the 737NGX. I thought I found a very small bug today but when I checked it out it was just modelled exactly as it should be.

When I had shutdown at the gate I was just disconnecting the GPU when the dome light kept coming back on. I never use it normally and I wanted to have a properly cold and dark flightdeck. Ends up that if you don't disarm the emergency lighting then the dome will turn on.

A very small detail but how accurate is that. I guess that's why you need the proper shutdown checklist handy!

There are so many adorable screen shots that make me wonder FSX will become one of my fewest hobbies for some years to come. This is such a fascinating simulator.

I recently chanced on seeing F-117A for FSX in a retail store. It's HK$320 which is nearly the same price as I paid for the FSX Gold Edition.

The questions which I have in mind are: (1) is this add-on as good as the stock aircraft F/A-18 in FSX Gold Edition? (2) are the 2D panel clickable and the avionics are somewhat close to the real thing? (3) is the flight model very realistic?

I recently chanced on seeing F-117A for FSX in a retail store. It's HK$320 which is nearly the same price as I paid for the FSX Gold Edition.

A quick Google finds a freeware one to download from simviation and other FSX download sites, but as with all freeware it may or may not be any good.

The JustFlight F-117 can also be bought as a download from JustFlight and other online retailers. Apart from Orbx scenery most stuff is cheaper as a download than boxed.

On the JF sales page there is a 14min video about flying the sim aircraft.
Does anyone else use the TOPCAT addon? It's really brilliant.

Here is a sample output of the loadsheet - looks so like the real thing.

L O A D S H E E T              ISSUED BY        APPROVED      DATE         TIME
                                                              21 SEP 2011  0747
ALL WEIGHTS IN KILOGRAMS       .........       ..........

FROM/TO    FLIGHT    A/C REG      A/C TYPE                  CONFIG  
EGAA/EGGW  EZY604    G-EZEC       B737-700/CFM56-7B22       C8 Y120       

                         WEIGHT   DISTRIBUTION
LOAD IN COMPARTMENTS       1408   1/632 2/776 

PASSENGER/CABIN BAG       10262   AD/118 C/10 I/4    TTL 128+4

TOTAL PAYLOAD             11670                           LAST MINUTE CHANGES
DRY OPERATING WEIGHT      37648                     DEST  SPEC  CL/CPT  +/-  WEIGHT
ZERO FUEL WEIGHT ACTUAL   49318   MAX    54658 L
TAKE OFF FUEL              4485
TAKE OFF WEIGHT  ACTUAL   53803   MAX    69626
TRIP FUEL                  2660
LANDING WEIGHT   ACTUAL   51143   MAX    58481
TAXI OUT FUEL               115

UNDERLOAD BEFORE L.M.C.    5340   LIMITED BY ZFW            LMC TOTAL  + / -

MACZFW  26.38%
MACTOW  28.42%   STAB TRIM: +5.2
MACLDW  27.23%

ZFW   FWD 15.27%   AFT 32.10%
TOW   FWD 14.40%   AFT 34.62%
LDW   FWD 14.92%   AFT 34.13%


BLOCK FUEL/   4600 (  5697 LITER)
LANDG FUEL/   1825 (  2260 LITER)



A quick Google finds a freeware one to download from simviation and other FSX download sites, but as with all freeware it may or may not be any good.

The JustFlight F-117 can also be bought as a download from JustFlight and other online retailers. Apart from Orbx scenery most stuff is cheaper as a download than boxed.

On the JF sales page there is a 14min video about flying the sim aircraft.
Nice video, do you know if you can actually drop those bombs? Or they are just there as a dummy?

I was just about to ask: which retailer is the most reliable one, I mean, would they close down later given the bad economy, and it is trustable to give out the credit card number to them in the purchase process...u know..
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I've only ever ordered from the following and never had a problem; The FlightSimStore, Iris, Flight1 & REX. As for dropping bombs, FSX is a simulator, not really an arcade game as such. There have been various addons (mostly freeware I believe) over the years for bombs etc but tbh most are pretty poor. I remember seeing a video for an F/A-18 with weapons systems, I think it was the VRS one released not so long ago, but I may be mistaken.

Soya...great shots as always!
Quick question for anyone with Captain Sim's 757

Have you ever returned to a saved flight (say you're midflight, and have to come back to it later), and all systems (INS in particular) are down - kind of scuppers everything from that point on!


Thanks to this thread I went out & bought FSX seeing everyones excellent screen shots.

Resized from 2560 x 1440 Full size here
It's taken me 2 months most nights to get it looking like this & running around 30fps
& have enjoyed every minute of it :) 5+ reinstalls & 50 program crashes later.
Maybe soon I will fly from one airport to another.

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Hey all, where do I get those official looking aircraft from, I have the default FSX and I love the look of all the Lufthansa, British airways and Virgin style logos :D
Thanks to this thread I went out & bought FSX seeing everyones excellent screen shots.

Resized from 2560 x 1440 Full size here
It's taken me 2 months most nights to get it looking like this & running around 30fps
& have enjoyed every minute of it :) 5+ reinstalls & 50 program crashes later.
Maybe soon I will fly from one airport to another.


Wow! It's truly amazing!! Your system must be very powerful, might I ask what is the spec of your rig?
Hey all, where do I get those official looking aircraft from, I have the default FSX and I love the look of all the Lufthansa, British airways and Virgin style logos :D

Most of what you see is additional payware aircraft. Try going to FSX download sites such as Simviation, FSdownload, project-opensky for free aircraft. The quality varies a lot so look for popular downloads and be sure to follow the instructions on how to install them carefully.

Nice shot. Tweaking it can take an age can't it? I still get the very occasional crash to desktop unfortunately, more often than not mid-flight over the Atlantic!:mad:
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