The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

So you just weren't able to capture the loc/glide at all then? What frequency did you put into the nav radio? It should be 110.90 CRS259 and I-WW.

Not sure what you mean about the 08L. There is no published ILS procedure for this runway. 08R has an ILS freq of 110.90 also. I've never had any issues with picking up the correct beam into EGKK. It's maybe worth posting in the PMDG forums. Give it another try using the same route in the sim and see if you can reproduce the problem.
Hi - oops late night typo - I did indeed mean 08R.

Nope; it didn't pick up LOC or G/S at all.

I'll have a re-run soon and see if I can reproduce it. Got to admit, I've had a few ILS problems recently; though no doubt more user error than anything else. Might check out some ILS guides on YouTube as there seems to be a fair few available.


Did you have everything in the FMC programmed up? Some FMCs set the ils info automatically but in the 737 it should just pick up the beams as long as you have them put into the nav radios. Even you just have it in one box it should be fine. You didn't happen to move the selector buttons which would have moved the active box to something else? I suppose if you were picking up the other beam for different runway then it was obviously getting the frequency you had set.

You don't use an addon scenery for Gatwick do you? Sometimes there could be issues with ILS related things when using addon scenery. I use UK2000 and fly out of EGKK mostly and never had any issues with it in the NGX.
I think so! Unless I was a bit confused by some runways not having ILS... I'll defintiely try again later on a quick hop and see what happens.

More than likely user error as I've suggested! ;)

I've got the UK2000 Heathrow - was thinking about the Gatwick one for the 737. The Heathrow one has been great (though seems a big performance hit).

Actually - thinking about it, I noticed that when flying from Manchester FSX ATC directed me to (something like..) RW24, which didn't exist on the 737 FMC - it was RW23 (or the other way around). I'm guessing that it's due to the more up to date Nav Data in the 737?


Yes the runway designators could have changed since FSX was released. I never bother with FSX atc anymore. It is just too annoying. I hear good things about radar contact but haven't tried it. Online is the way to go if you have the time to sit there. I normally fly out of Gatwick with the virtual airline and do 3-4 hour flights. Do everything properly, stick LNAV and VNAV on and then let it sit for a few hours. You have to send a position report every hour but other than that I just let it go and do something else.
Some pics in flight. Couple going over the channel to France and two flying in to barrow after a trip over Scafell Pike. Only add on is REX. But boy, that does add bundles to it.

First real pics so sorry if they're crap. Suggestions welcome.






Last one is my favourite water texture. Looks very realistic.
A few shots - First going back to the ILS issue I'm having with Gatwick. I took out my Aerosoft Airbus (Sits between the standard planes in FSX and the more involved types such as PMDG and Captain Sim) - Still only picking up 08R (IGG as opposed to IWW). Nav tuned in, and only 8 miles out!


I've a new SSD coming, so I'll probably just re-install anyway and see if that helps sort things out.

More fun now:

A couple of shots of PMDG's 737-600 - in BA livery (and whilst taking liberties; with a 'hump-back').

The -600 is a little rocket! Very noticeable difference from the 8/900.




A few shots - First going back to the ILS issue I'm having with Gatwick. I took out my Aerosoft Airbus (Sits between the standard planes in FSX and the more involved types such as PMDG and Captain Sim) - Still only picking up 08R (IGG as opposed to IWW). Nav tuned in, and only 8 miles out!

I have read on other forums today about someone using the 737NGX at Gatwick with the same issues. I'll post back if I find any info.
After reading this thread from start to finish over the last few days, I've decided to get FSX out again and get back into it. I bought the Flight1 ATR a while back so that's installed, but I'll practice with a Cessna first while I'm still rusty. :)

There were certain things that I never got the hang of first time around. Things like the FMC for instance. I was just doing everything manually. Do you guys print out all the charts for SIDs and STARs? Are real world SIDs and STARs compatible with the in-game ATC?
Hello Morbius,

I bought the Flight1 ATR 72-500 at the Flight1 open day at Shoreham airport last year.

It does contain the SIDs and STARS needed from the DEP / APP page of the FMC.

Of which are available to view here:

Of which some may need updating using the Navigraph service

I prefer to use AivlaSoft's EFB for FSX which you can set a route and load that into the ATR's FMC. This gives you the visual representation which has helped improved my FSX flying, but I appreciate this is expensive.

If you want a new 'real world' experience, try VATSIM which provides real human ATC in FSX which would expect you to use the designated real-world SIDs for departing and STAR for arriving at manned airports via IFR.
Spotted!! I do indeed! Though I've just uninstalled to give "My Traffic 2010" a go!

Cheers for looking for me! Really appreciate it.

Had a lovely flight from Stansted down to Palermo last night - gorgeous approach onto Palermo - if you've not flown there, I'd really recommend it!

Thanks again,

How do you guys work out where to fly?

Standard FSX is obviously no good at showing airport locations on a big map, so is there a website that shows air routes and airport locations?
As it is my first post of the new year I would like to wish you all a very happy new year, may it be full of great flight sim experiences for you all.

My first screen shot posting of 2012, enjoy:
(some are lightly edited)










Thanks for looking.
Fantastic images. Last one is epic! Have you listed your add ons in this thread?

Would love to get my FSX like this. Also, do you fly offline or do you vatsim? Or do you fly with a VA?
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How do you guys work out where to fly?

Standard FSX is obviously no good at showing airport locations on a big map, so is there a website that shows air routes and airport locations?

You use Plan-G for VFR flying. Freeware.
and you can use Aivlasoft EFB for IFR flying. Payware. shows you the aerodrome, SIDs and STARs for UK airports. will help you with VFR flying.

Here's you FSX hotkey list:-

Here's some VATSIM helper files:-

Route finder route planning:-

Routes in the South West

Real World Flight Plan DB (requires Reg.)

Amazing as ever Soya.. Does it look that good and fly that smoothly on your PC?

The Polish Wilga was the December's screenshot of the month winner on CIXVFR.
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