** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

Well its the argument that X% of the world do not have food or water.

TBH i can see the point, however as i am on the side of the fence where i do have food and water, this is awesome.
Well its the argument that X% of the world do not have food or water.

TBH i can see the point, however as i am on the side of the fence where i do have food and water, this is awesome.

At the end of the day they are 2 totally separate issues and the money spent on this couldn't possibly solve the other - which requires not just money but a fundamental shift in human nature and other progress as a species.
Well its the argument that X% of the world do not have food or water.

TBH i can see the point, however as i am on the side of the fence where i do have food and water, this is awesome.
They don't have a point other than short sightedness. Technology ahs allowed us to grow more food, that includes earth observation satilites.
If we go by that way of thinking, we would never progress, there's always issues to solve.but you ahvent to spend money on everything. Not just a small slice and hinder progress.
Indeed but the resource to put a TESLA in space, could be argued that its better spent on solving poverty. Cheaper guns for the tribes that sort of thing :)
Indeed but the resource to put a TESLA in space, could be argued that its better spent on solving poverty. Cheaper guns for the tribes that sort of thing :)
No it can't, becuase the rocket has to be tested.
People aren't going to put multi million pound satilites on a demo flight, when even SpaceX said there was a large chance of failure.
yes it does, it doesn't say in religious books "god made humans, ET, Xenomorphs"

It isn't really the thread for it but most religions are vague (in some cases purposefully so I suspect) and/or don't even touch on it at all others like Zoroastrianism are heavily steeped in references to aliens.

The whole idea of science and/or exploration of space proving or disproving religion is on very shaky ground though we can't rule out some kind of future scientific break through that had some kind of implications.
Already the ***** are claiming the it's all cgi...

Great work by spacex, would love to see a new space race to begin!

Just need the Chinese to land on the moon to **** off the yanks enough to start spending real money
Already the ***** are claiming the it's all cgi...

Great work by spacex, would love to see a new space race to begin!

Just need the Chinese to land on the moon to **** off the yanks enough to start spending real money
they landed a rover last year, and their next lander is launching this year. will be the first country to land on the far side of the moon, and they've made no secret that they are building up the know how to land people on the moon.
race is already on, yet Congress keeps crippling nasa.
It cost 90 million dollars. How is that going to "solve poverty"?

No the rocket cost 90m The development cost i would dread to think.

I am totally in favour of it by the way, The cheaper we can make space travel the better, however the spave elevator has to be the preferred option or teleportation.
It cost 90 million dollars. How is that going to "solve poverty"?
the alternative delivery systems were costing nearer 1B, and the US govt will pay 170M for upcoming launch, so there is a cost saving
once/if SpaceX has broken even following earlier crashes ... so some spare R&D money for poverty
Since the mid section still crashed their insurance costs and future deployment might need further testing too, I guess
No the rocket cost 90m The development cost i would dread to think.

I am totally in favour of it by the way, The cheaper we can make space travel the better, however the spave elevator has to be the preferred option or teleportation.
500m or a bit more according to elon.
still dirt cheap when you compare it to nasa.
Buy buy Mars, hello asteroid belt.


Elon Musk

Third burn successful. Exceeded Mars orbit and kept going to the Asteroid Belt
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