** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

Only 12hrs of battery life after that just floating around.
Heavy devlopment cost 500m and probably a bit more.

If all goes well short hops of bfs next year.

Centre stage crashed about 100m from the drone ship and took out two of teh drone ship thrusters as well as shrapnel.
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Well, missing the drone ship was probably a good thing. Shrapnel just caused some damage, imagine a 300mph impact with it.

Shame, but you really can consider it 90% successful in total. Just one bit failed to work, and it was at the tail end of the launch.
Shame the core didn't make it but 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Rewatched the booster landings few times and I don't think I can put into words how it feels to watch. It's just so perfect
It must have been incredible to watch in person especially with the sonic booms, etc. heh.

They don't seem to have much luck with the sea landings versus the land ones either.
Amazing work by the guys at space x. The double booster landing was beautiful. I wonder if this is going to be the kick up the ass the Russians and NASA need to get themselves together.
A different vector

so the picture were spectacular but the quality did not seem very good compared to the Alan Eustace space jump, which GoPro were involved in, so no 4K images (wallpapers) yet ?-
anyone else intrigued by the filiming tech or found any answers ?

maybe tesla did not want to share the stage with gopro. (reddit gave me no asnwers just screen grabs off of utube streams)

In terms of personal commitment by the billionaires Alan Eustace >> Richard Branson >> Elon Musk = Jeff Bezos ? but maybe they are all too good at understanding risk

This answered some other tech questions I had
Can I drive Elon Musk's Tesla after it's been in space for 100 Years?
A different vector

so the picture were spectacular but the quality did not seem very good compared to the Alan Eustace space jump, which GoPro were involved in, so no 4K images (wallpapers) yet ?-
anyone else intrigued by the filiming tech or found any answers ?

maybe tesla did not want to share the stage with gopro. (reddit gave me no asnwers just screen grabs off of utube streams)

Bear in mind bandwidth is a limiting factor. Streaming 4K live from orbit to ground would need rather a lot of it.

Eustace jumped from 41.4km up. Falcon Heavy's payload is already rather a lot higher than that!
I think part of it was they were streaming quite a few cameras (and probably a lot of other data due to being a demo/test) simultaneously - possibly they have the ability to record at a higher rate and retransmit that later dunno or maybe will swap to less streams at higher quality at some point before the power supply is exhausted but likely its simpler just to capture and send at the lower quality/bitrate.

Eustace was using a lot less cameras/sending a lot less telemetry/sensor data, etc.
Think it's disgraceful he's launched into orbit space junk.

Well said, how many payloads are waiting to go up that he could have helped with and he decides to just pollute space with random junk for PR reasons lol. If he had dumped it in the ocean he would have been fined and environmentalists would have been all over his backside >.>
Well said, how many payloads are waiting to go up that he could have helped with and he decides to just pollute space with random junk for PR reasons lol.

Or back in the real world, where there are reasons rather than just trying to be clever sniping against other peoples success, no-one actually wants to put their multi-million pound payloads onto an experimental test launch where they would get no insurance...:rolleyes:
Well said, how many payloads are waiting to go up that he could have helped with and he decides to just pollute space with random junk for PR reasons lol. If he had dumped it in the ocean he would have been fined and environmentalists would have been all over his backside >.>

Maybe there are some who'd take the chance of getting their payload up there cheaper/free or whatever but I think the massive PR generated by what is essentially a stunt and subsequent interest in this industry and sciences far outweighs the impact of a single car.
I think part of it was they were streaming quite a few cameras
just reviewing the rocket user guide http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/falcon_9_users_guide_rev_2.0.pdf
can't see the pricing - but shows the telemtry streams available - need a communications engineer to see why no 4k live stream

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