** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

First image is back.

CGI/green screen


I know it's really due to brightness/contrast of the screen and the camera being used to record it, because the program background goes from blue to green, I wouldn't imagine a filter would change the whole screen as opposed to just the image, some though will argue it's fake :D
Is that a brush mark in the sand....

I know it still has a lens cap/cover on, but man camera resolution on MARS robots sucks, maybe that is to take away the fact its really Nevada :)

Cant really get excited about this mission, the cube satellites was more interesting. However if the mole finds water and a giant tentacle shoots out, shakes the rover off its legs, it would be a bonus.

Just finish the James Webb and get it launched already along with that MARS mission for detecting the existence of life Dead or Alive.
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I was wathcing it live and just as it started to get interesting they cut away from the Stage 1 video, will Youtube it later..
I've a bad feeling about the James Webb, the deployment is SO complicated, it really makes me wonder if it was the best way to do it. Naturally not being a NASA engineer my opinion is worthless, but to the space "layman", I wonder why it could not have been launched into Earth orbit, test "deployed" with all the bits, then somehow shot off into the lagrange point after verification everything was OK.

It is a monumental risk. Fingers crossed though, as it will be the best insight mankind as EVER had in the history of civilisation.

almost 50 years ago, pretty impressive feat all things considered, even more impressive that the Saturn V is still mans most powerful machine (hopefully SLS will work and beat it though)
Went on a bit of a spacey stuff binge past few days, the race between Musk (SpaceX) and Bezos (Blue Origin) could be really interesting in the next few years, although BE still need to actually launch into orbit yet, but the BE-4 engine is incredible.

What I would really like to know though is how come very little has been done to move to linear aerospike engines which are superior and would allow SSTO vehicles. I know the X-33 was going to be aerospike but that was canned 17 years ago!!

almost 50 years ago, pretty impressive feat all things considered, even more impressive that the Saturn V is still mans most powerful machine (hopefully SLS will work and beat it though)

Strictly speaking the Soviet N1 was considerably more powerful, but since it never managed to complete a successful launch one might argue that it didn't count.
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