** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

Anyone watching the Geminid meteor shower tonight?

It’s a really clear sky here but I haven’t seen anything yet.

Saw a couple last night. I did manage to get a faint photo of Comet 46p/Wirtanen though

Apparently China have landed a lunar rover on the far side of the Moon.



I am surprised that there isn't more chatter on this.

It is an impressive achievement and I particularly like the use of the L2 orbit for the support satellite.

NASA test packages are to be launched atop the Blue Origin's penis New Shepard rocket very soon.



Yes, it does look a bit like a giant ladies Joy-Toy!

All together now....

"An Engineer told me before he died.....!"

;) :D:D
Is there any information on the computer hardware the Chinese lander (or satellites for that matter) use ? Western nonetheless ?
was reading about this http://www.cpushack.com/space-craft-cpu.html

New Horizons (Pluto)
Mongoose-V: The Mongoose-V is a radiation hardened and enhanced version of the venerable MIPS R3000 processor running at 15MHz made by Synova. As of August 2012 Mongoose-V processors are $20,000-$40,000 New Horizons also includes redundant 8GB banks of Flash Memory. It must store data for long periods as the data rate from the probe is so slow it will be well past Pluto before it can transfer all its data back to earth. It also will almost certainly have to be oriented such that its antenna are not pointing at Earth while conducting its observations of Pluto and other Kuiper Belt Objects.

don't think OC sell these ?
Iridium 8 Falcon 9 launch happening now.

Going to deploy 10 satellites.
Had a successful landing upon Droneship 'Just Read the Instructions' Nice to see after their last attempt.
Scientists at NASA said the last message they received from Opportunity effectively translated to, "My battery is low and it's getting dark."

Wonder if we'll ever hear from it again, if theres some sort of gust that clears some dust from its solar panels..
Scientists at NASA said the last message they received from Opportunity effectively translated to, "My battery is low and it's getting dark."

Jeez that's something! I find all the rovers on Mars so fascinating. Curiosity was the one that really got me , especially when they sent back the high resolution photos.

Rest well little Rover!
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