** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

Have just been watching the Apollo 15 crew deploying the lunar rover. Fascinating stuff and a bit comical when you think of a space program using rope to unfold and remove a rover.
And the hatch is open! Just one final critical stage of the demo flight with the return to earth in a few days. :)
Reentry burn underway. :)

Edit: splashdown!

edit: One of the chutes covered the capsule. Thoughts on how much of a problem this could be for future launches?
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The webcast for the second Falcon Heavy launch is up, it won't be live for around 25hrs but the excitement is building.

I'm really hoping for a triple landing success this time. Even if not, a double landing and even the sheer spectacle of by far the most powerful rocket currently operating is enough to give me serious hype.
I'm really hoping for a triple landing success this time. Even if not, a double landing and even the sheer spectacle of by far the most powerful rocket currently operating is enough to give me serious hype.

Yup. Triple landing would be great. It is a massively impressive thing to watch launch online, can't imagine what it'd be like in person.
Yeah pretty fascinating to actually see a pic of one but im not surprised. I doubt a lot are. What else could it really look like?
Yeah pretty fascinating to actually see a pic of one but im not surprised. I doubt a lot are. What else could it really look like?

Just goes to show how accurate our knowledge of Physics really is. We just keep confirming was Einstein figured out a century ago.
Just goes to show how accurate our knowledge of Physics really is. We just keep confirming was Einstein figured out a century ago.

Indeed,, some smart people out there who didn't buckle when pressure was in about their ideas being garbage.
Ita like how people think its crazy that we won't be living in a computer one day. It's not that ridiculous!

Its a great thing we have such variety in the species (except the cretins)
First ever photo of a black hole is being published tomorrow apparently.

Whilst this is impressive (And I think Newton postulated "Black Holes", there may even have been others before him)

There is a part of me that says that saying you can photograph a black hole is a bit like saying you can photograph the hole in the middle of a Polo Mint

You can infer its presence by what is going on around it, but you cant really photograph the hole itself..

:p :D

Not what I was expecting, looks pretty mundane considering it's the most destructive thing to exist in the universe

How many light years is 500 million trillion km's ?

Pretty much what I was expecting given the sheer difficulty of observing it - crazy to think it took ridiculous amounts of data just to produce that blurry low resolution image but each pixel represents actual recorded data.

To be honest I'll be more impressed when/if we manage to direct image planets in other solar systems at a resolution that shows recognisable surface features than the first proper resolution image of a blackhole.
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