**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**



17 Jan 2007

Official Site: https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/battlefront/battlefront-2

Team Breakup:
Motive: Single Player Campaign
Dice: Multiplayer
Criterion: Space Combat

Single Player Information
  • Follow the story of Inferno Squad, an elite Imperial Special Forces unit lead by Iden Versio.
  • Campaign in Chapters following the story of Iden Versio immediately following ROTJ, spanning the 30 years to TFA
  • Campaign will offer chances for players to play as Major Heroes from the sagas. Mentioned were Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren
  • One of the planets featured will be Iden's homeworld of Vardos. Vardos is a planet that willingly joined the Empire, brought in by Iden's father Admiral Versio.
  • Mitch Dyer is the lead writer with Walt Williams
  • Offline Co-op
Multiplayer Information
  • Space Battles - 24 Players +40 AI members.
  • All Three Eras - Mentioned modes include a hero battle mode that has heroes from all 3. Probably a Heroes vs. Villains
  • Classes have returned to the Battlefront series, and they will be familiar to players.
  • There will be Soldier classes and Ship classes.
  • 4 Soldier classes: Officer, Assault, Heavy, and Specialist.
  • Everything is going to have progression; All classes, all heroes, all starships will have progression and upgrades that will allow further and further customization to your play style.
  • Confirmed planets that were seen either in concept art or actual screenshots: Hoth, Endor, Tatooine(We saw Mos Eisley), Naboo, Kamino, Starkiller Base, Jakku, Takodana, Yavin IV, Vardos (New planet introduced in this game), Scarif
  • Confirmed Heroes so far are Luke, Rey, Kylo, Maul, Yoda, Han Solo, Vader maybe Jango and possibly Obi-wan given what we saw during the conference.
  • Assumed Heroes so far are The Emperor, Fett, and Leia. They weren't in any of the released content but really? Them not being there? come on.
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Looking forward to this, despite trashing the first one and getting it in the end, I enjoyed it in all honesty, more so once they addressed the heroes and DL-44 super duper OP imbalance. Wasn't BC 2, BF 3/4 good but for a game where you could experience "star wars" as well as a quick casual shooter, not bad...

I would like to see some battlefield mechanics present this time round though i.e. soldier classes, proper big conquest maps, vehicle loadout/selection/system from bf 3/4 and preferably keep heroes to their own game mode.... They can keep the arcadey play for everything else for all I care but I definitely want to see BF 3/4 aircraft mechanics play back.

Oh and a proper single player!!!!

Far better than that casual/sniper field 1 game anyway ;) :D :p

How about they fix the first one before releasing a sequel so soon afterwards.

They have already addressed a lot of the balance etc. issues and added "content" via DLC as well as adding offline play with bots (although I don't think they added the DLC maps for this)
Looking forward to this as well.

I know a lot of people bashed the first one but I really liked it.. was easy to pickup and just jump into a game whenever i wanted and was Star Wars.

If they made it a bit more like BF1 or BF4 with Star wars that's a bonus.
Looking forward to this as well.

I know a lot of people bashed the first one but I really liked it.. was easy to pickup and just jump into a game whenever i wanted and was Star Wars.

If they made it a bit more like BF1 or BF4 with Star wars that's a bonus.
Unfortunately I think it will be very close to BF 1 rather than BF 4 :(
I would like to see some battlefield mechanics present this time round though i.e. soldier classes, proper big conquest maps, vehicle loadout/selection/system from bf 3/4 and preferably keep heroes to their own game mode.... They can keep the arcadey play for everything else for all I care but I definitely want to see BF 3/4 aircraft mechanics play back.

If only. I love Star Wars and I didn't mind the first Battlefront game. BF4 Star Wars edition would be awesome. :)
Looking forward to this, despite trashing the first one and getting it in the end, I enjoyed it in all honesty

I enjoyed it up until I realised how ultimately shallow it was once you got around 60% through the unlocks, etc. plus I found a very lame way to play it that made you very hard to counter online except by someone else using the same "build" and it kind of took all the fun out of it then as you were just disadvantaging yourself not using it and it was boring and easy to use.

Can't get excited by this despite how well they captured the aesthetics in the first game, the Frostbite engine is ultimately trash and requires a ton of patching over issues that never even should be there to make for anything like acceptable (someone must have spent a lot of time sorting that stuff in Battlefront as it was less problematic than in other games that use the engine but still there) if they continue to use that and Dice just suck at some areas of gameplay mechanics and balance.
Will keep an eye on reviews I suppose. SP needs to be fleshed out and not some token effort tacked on as an afterthought. And I hope the trailer's teasing of space battles is accurate.... I loves me a SW dogfight.
Will keep an eye on reviews I suppose. SP needs to be fleshed out and not some token effort tacked on as an afterthought. And I hope the trailer's teasing of space battles is accurate.... I loves me a SW dogfight.

The original game has space battles, although it is DLC.... :p

That really ****** me big time, during the pre-release with all the hype, trailers, announcements etc. everyone was saying where's the space battles? You can't have a star wars game and not have space battles..... People asked if it was being withheld for DLC purposes, EA/DICE said no, that there wouldn't be any space battles at all, fast forward to death star dlc and shock horror, space battles :rolleyes:

Saying that, even though it looked amazing and all, the aircraft mechanics completely ruined the space battles.

If you buy this game, then you are a total muppet.


If the game releases in a good state and works as it should on day 1 and people want a star wars shooter/MP game then I don't see how they are muppets for wanting to buy such a game :confused:

I would phrase it as "if you pre-order" this game then you are a complete muppet...
I enjoyed it up until I realised how ultimately shallow it was once you got around 60% through the unlocks, etc. plus I found a very lame way to play it that made you very hard to counter online except by someone else using the same "build" and it kind of took all the fun out of it then as you were just disadvantaging yourself not using it and it was boring and easy to use.
Yup it was very shallow, I can overlook it for star wars, unfortunately I couldn't do it with bf 1 though.

They somewhat addressed those overused/OP loadouts i.e. adding a card/weapon to be able to shoot through force field bubbles. Regardless, star wars is the sort of game where I couldn't care less about doing well, for me, it was all about the fun factor and just enjoying the star wars atmosphere and I often picked "troll" loadouts :D
They somewhat addressed those overused/OP loadouts i.e. adding a card/weapon to be able to shoot through force field bubbles.

Ah not looked into that but its one of the things I complain about with Dice if they just straight up gave you the ability to shoot through bubbles by using a certain card its a cheap, lazy way to balance it that actually reduces the gameplay experience for anyone other than those that want a effortless win.

Being able to counter bubbles via something like say a powerup or deployable with the ability to make a definined area where bubbles weren't effective, etc. would have been much better for balance.
Ah not looked into that but its one of the things I complain about with Dice if they just straight up gave you the ability to shoot through bubbles by using a certain card its a cheap, lazy way to balance it that actually reduces the gameplay experience for anyone other than those that want a effortless win.

Being able to counter bubbles via something like say a powerup or deployable with the ability to make a definined area where bubbles weren't effective, etc. would have been much better for balance.
It is to an extent but those players that want to be able to take on someone with a force field bubble will now have a way of doing so, also, like all the other special cards/weapons, it is one shot with a rather long refresh time so it doesn't make force field bubbles completely useless. I noticed a lot less people using the force field bubble once that got added + there are better cards to use now too.

Without a doubt, there is a lot more diversity in the loadouts that people use now rather than the go to pulse cannon or/and jet pack or/and bubble shield + wallhack/of the radar trait card when the game first released.

Saying that, imo, those sort of things should never be available in an online MP shooter game anyway, at least not a "personal" shield + things like increased hip fire damage with the more kills you get etc. due to what you said, not only does it somewhat ruin the gameplay experience, it makes it very hard to balance when you have so many weapons, gadgets etc. to factor in.
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