**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**

I am really looking forward to that campaign, would be nice if it was lenghty and meaty and awesome. Wish I could buy it separately, do not care about MP.
Yeah, you'll be playing the female Imperial special forces agent from the trailer, seeking revenge after the destruction of the Death Star v2.0. There'll be ground and space combat apparently.
Not sure how how I missed that from the trailer. Watched it with no sound though on the tablet. It looked like another MP mash up etc...

Sold also :)
Won't be that at cdkeys etc, I don't get why any one buys direct from origin,steam etc unless they have a sale on they overcharge constantly
Battlefront 1 tended to stay high value by cdkeys standards on their site for a long time (still cheaper). Plus I gave up on the first one as the DLC cost more than the game did for me and I felt a little cheated with the content. But yeah, cdkeys is my main go to for games.
Yep. I imagine it'll be £32.99 the same as other pre-launch Origin games.

I may even buy this one if the SP has a decent amount of content. Despite loving shooters and Star Wars, the previous game left me utterly cold.
Holy mother of moly :eek: !! Hasn't Disney declared all these things as canon? Therefore do we have our first legit look at post Return of the Jedi? Hint at a new movie?
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