***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

I'm having problems not looting everything that I can and there's far too many random spoons for that so far. Still thoroughly enjoying it and looking forward to the end of the work day so I can focus on it.
Respectfully Matt, I'm not someone who constantly gets suspended for bringing AMD vs the world into everything. Are you seriously denying you have been talking about GPU's in here (as well as cpus).
Hey, in my defence my last two suspensions were for saying something along the lines of... 'I bet this game runs great on at least one users 3080'. I never mentioned AMD... :cry:

Let's move on Noxia please no one cares about it in this thread. :)
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I have been switching betwen K&M for FPS sections and XBOX controller for the space bits. It works well to be honest. I would use 3rd party camera mode but it decreases the FoV.
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I have been switching betwen K&M for FPS sections and XBOX controller for the space bits. It works well to be honest. I would use 3rd party camera mode but it decreases the FoV.
This is the way. Have my trusty Stadia controller at the ready.
I've provided the best tip yet, spoons.

@LtMatt Yeah no problem, apologies. Also lol at reason, I recall a previous one was a bit 'iffy'.
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So, to answer my own question, 5120 x 1440 ultrawide is not supported and the ini mod does not work properly (apparently?) Disappointed, hope fully ultrawide support will be added in soon or a we get a working mod in near future.
So, to answer my own question, 5120 x 1440 ultrawide is not supported and the ini mod does not work properly (apparently?) Disappointed, hope fully ultrawide support will be added in soon or a we get a working mod in near future.

Doubt it, it was a big ask for Fallout 4 and they never added it, suspect it's due to the engine limitations.
I've not done enough space to decide but it doesn't seem complicated enough to bother grabbing a stick or pad.

Agree. It's been simplified for console with the auto locking etc, surprised there isn't a button to just auto combat everything. Shame about sticks @jonneymendoza will be looking longingly at his nice Virpils when he plays this.

Does anyone else find a bit of a delay when pressing crouch? Also am I blind or is there no option to have it as hold instead of toggle.
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Enjoying this so far but the lack of hdr is rubbish. Blacks are just grey and washed out, which is really not what you want in a space game. Anyone have tips to help (on and Alienware Aw3422DWF OLED and gtx 3070)?
Unsure on how much stuff costs but a lot of junk is worth quite a bit, like gold sculptures are like 280, I've amassed a collection of boardgames at liker 140 each too. Probs all relative.

@PitterPatter Totally agree, I mentioned this early on, it's like my OLED has turned into an LED monitor.
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