***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

Agree with what some have said, there seems loads to do around the start that I've got tons of options. It's nice not being railroaded, although I'm still concerned why they said the game really opens up after the main story is over.

Well, it's exactly what I was expecting so far. A Bethesda RPG in space with a vastly bigger scale than TES/Fallout, but a fair bit more polished and better presented.

I will be playing this for a very long time. Ticks my boxes.

Playing on the Series X at the moment as the lack of 32:9 is annoying on PC. Looks great on both, 4070 is running it fine.
Well that was stunning and I definitely need to push on a bit with the story as I seem to have missed much of the tutorials.

Amazing how variable the visuals are. I just visited this place and it looked incredible:

the moon :D

Immersion has also jumped up several fold now that I’ve realised I can navigate without going through the menu all the time!

On the plus side, as with cyberpunk on release it sounds like SDR/HDR is just broken, hopefully we’ll get a fix.
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It can't be woke, I've not seen any blacks in the game yet.

It's all about the Indians now, barely see them anywhere. Even my favourite, the guy from Short Circuit, turned out to be in brownface


But on topic, I've got xbox ultimate so will give this a try next week.
I'm only about 7 hours in so far, but I'm liking it. It's not exactly how I imagined it would be, but I'm liking the RPG elements more than anything so far.

Things I've noticed, good and bad:
  • Given that this game is supposed to be about exploration, I'm a little disappointed that the spaceship when in orbit basically sits in the middle of a "skybox" that is drawn for each star system, and no matter how far you think you travel, you dont actually go anywhere. So you cant fly closer to a planets atmosphere or anything, or travel to a nearby moon. It's ALL menus. Menus, menus, menus.
  • NPCs and graphics are way better ingame than in the trailers. As someone whose played thousands of hours of Bethesda's previous games, there is definitely a generational leap in the fidelity of the environments and NPCs. Personally, I think they look good. Yeah they go a bit janky sometimes, but I'd say it was miles better than Cyberpunk. Even though the randomised city dweller NPCs can look weird, they still look like actual people.
  • There are still bugs. Nothing major, but typical open world jank that Bethesda is known for. Like while talking to a mission NPC, another NPC walks over and starts conversing with them, or will "push" them along while walking, leaving me talking to the back of their head etc, etc.
  • The game at the start is very overwhelming, and from a story point of view, feels a bit rushed. Like the prison break and sewer escape in Oblivion, or the execution in Skyrim, Starfield has it's own version, but it felt rushed. HOWEVER, as I play the game more, I'm begining to think its on purpose because there's a lot of story here and they probably thought people will be skipping anyway with mods soon enough.
  • Inventory capacity is kinda tedious so far. I WILL be modding this 100% because it's just downright annoying.
Overall I'm really enjoying the game. The bottom line is, if you like Bethesda Game Studio games, then there's something here you'll like. To what degree I dont know, I'm not sure how Starfield will rank on my list yet, but it certainly has its pros and cons so far. As I mentioned above, the big sell for this game was EXPLORATION and SPACE, but so far it's lacked the sense of "travel" that I expected. I remember playing Star Wars Galaxies years ago, and in that game you could sign up to become a trainee pilot for either the Empire or the Rebellion, and it worked in many ways like Starfield does, however, even SWG from all those years ago managed to capture a sense of scale and travel, something so far Starfield isn't giving me.
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I don’t think the game is for me. Far too many loading screens, space exploration seems pointless and the graphics look about 5 years old.

Not really seen any bugs and had no crashes so that’s something.

I dunno it just feels quite shallow and lacks immersion.
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Well I only just made my character and also modded in the latest DLSS mod (version 3).

Man... That character creation was crap! Where are all the stats? Wtf with the perks?

I was expecting Fallout 3 style stats but even better. Instead got this dumbed down rubbish.

Sure some people like to jump into the game rapidly or get confused quickly. Give those people an option.

Really hope the rest of the game has lots of stats and perks to make up for this :p:cry:
@TNA will lol at this no doubt but... Arrrrgh! Not a single game release the last 18 months where I have not come across shadow pop-in :/


And now that it's been seen, I notice it on any shadows now as I walk up to stuff!

Also, those using the DLSS mod, check the StarfieldUpscaler.ini file to change the toggles and also see what the Preset modes refer to, the default was set to Preset F, but I think D is more relevant as it's designed for image stability.:

mEnableUpscaler = true

#0 = DLSS, 1 = FSR2, 2 = XeSS, 3 = DLAA(equal to DLSS Native,reserved for compatibility)
mUpscaleType = 1

#Enable the sharpening or not
mSharpening = true
mSharpness = 0.700000

#0 = Default, use the default preset for corresponding quality level
#1 = Preset A (intended for Perf/Balanced/Quality modes):
#      *An older variant best suited to combat ghosting for elements with missing inputs (such as motion vectors)
#2 = Preset B (intended for Ultra Perf mode):
#      *Similar to Preset A but for Ultra Performance mode
#3 = Preset C (intended for Perf/Balanced/Quality modes):
#      *Preset which generally favors current frame information. Generally well-suited for fastpaced game content
#4 = Preset D (intended for Perf/Balanced/Quality modes):
#      *The default preset for Perf/Balanced/Quality mode. Generally favors image stability
#5 = Preset E (Unused)
#6 = Preset F (intended for Ultra Perf/DLAA modes):
#      *The default preset for Ultra Perf and DLAA modes.
mDLSSPreset = 6


#611 = RightCtrl, find other keycode in imgui repo
mToggleDLSS = 611

#520 = End, find other keycode in imgui repo
mToggleMenu = 520

Realised the ini was not calling DLSS but instead FSR, which explains why I wasn't seeing much of an fps change with it on or off. C Hanged the value to 0 which refers to DLSS from the default 1.
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@TNA will lol at this no doubt but... Arrrrgh! Not a single game release the last 18 months where I have not come across shadow pop-in :/


And now that it's been seen, I notice it on any shadows now as I walk up to stuff!

Also, those using the DLSS mod, check the StarfieldUpscaler.ini file to change the toggles and also see what the Preset modes refer to, the default was set to Preset F, but I think D is more relevant as it's designed for image stability.:

mEnableUpscaler = true

#0 = DLSS, 1 = FSR2, 2 = XeSS, 3 = DLAA(equal to DLSS Native,reserved for compatibility)
mUpscaleType = 1

#Enable the sharpening or not
mSharpening = true
mSharpness = 0.700000

#0 = Default, use the default preset for corresponding quality level
#1 = Preset A (intended for Perf/Balanced/Quality modes):
#      *An older variant best suited to combat ghosting for elements with missing inputs (such as motion vectors)
#2 = Preset B (intended for Ultra Perf mode):
#      *Similar to Preset A but for Ultra Performance mode
#3 = Preset C (intended for Perf/Balanced/Quality modes):
#      *Preset which generally favors current frame information. Generally well-suited for fastpaced game content
#4 = Preset D (intended for Perf/Balanced/Quality modes):
#      *The default preset for Perf/Balanced/Quality mode. Generally favors image stability
#5 = Preset E (Unused)
#6 = Preset F (intended for Ultra Perf/DLAA modes):
#      *The default preset for Ultra Perf and DLAA modes.
mDLSSPreset = 6


#611 = RightCtrl, find other keycode in imgui repo
mToggleDLSS = 611

#520 = End, find other keycode in imgui repo
mToggleMenu = 520

Thank goodness I don’t notice any of this, aren’t bothered by it and enjoy just playing a game.

Well I only just made my character and also modded in the latest DLSS mod (version 3).

Man... That character creation was crap! Where are all the stats? Wtf with the perks?

I was expecting Fallout 3 style stats but even better. Instead got this dumbed down rubbish.

Sure some people like to jump into the game rapidly or get confused quickly. Give those people an option.

Really hope the rest of the game has lots of stats and perks to make up for this :p:cry:

Uh oh. Your ship has a few stats if that helps :p

You raise a good point though, where do I find my stats?

I found a stat book, but no idea if it’s done anything?
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