***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

Only played 3 hours so far, really liking it.
no problems so far, not like the other 2 that bought this year, that still getting patched
It’s my GOTY. Actually the most fun I’ve had in a game for years.
GmanLives summed up my thoughts in his review "When I'm not playing Starfield, I'm thinking about playing Starfield" :)

The console commands are handy for sure, adding some digipicks where needed especially. Might even add some credits if I am short for a spaceship ¬_¬

Oh and increased the carry weight. if Gordon Freeman can carry a rocket launcher in his suit, then I should be able to carry a few more items :mad:

Inb4 the "HOW DARE YOU!!!!" crowd emerge :p

Maybe I'll give myself 100,000 of everything....
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My initial experience of this game has been quite underwhelming so far but that's to because I've barely played it. I mean barely.

Started it up when it launched and:

- no 3840x1600 resolution out of the box
- no FOV adjustment which is really needed for ultra widescreen
- tried to clear what appeared to be vaseline or smoke from my eyes but no it's meant to look that way
- the few cut scenes don't bode well, they aren't even in the same resolution as you play the game in (very canned)
- pushed straight in to a character creation screen which you can't skip (you can pick anything and change it later, granted)

It was at this point I alt-tabbed and force quit the game.

I've still not played it 2 days later. It just didn't grab me in the first 5 minutes like a lot of other games have. I'll admit that I've not been able to give it the dedicated time I think it requires, life's busy and got in the way. So I'll sit down later tonight and research some more to circumvent some of the issues list above and get stuck in, hopefully it'll enthral me enough to want to keep playing it.
I'm also waiting for 6th to play on gamepass. I had a look on YouTube for performance videos for my gpu and it barely hits 30 fps on all settings low doh! Think it's finally time to upgrade everything! The 1070 has been a great gpu over the years easily hitting 60 fps+ on most games at high settings.
I'm also waiting for 6th to play on gamepass. I had a look on YouTube for performance videos for my gpu and it barely hits 30 fps on all settings low doh! Think it's finally time to upgrade everything! The 1070 has been a great gpu over the years easily hitting 60 fps+ on most games at high settings.

My 3080 isn't playing it too amazing at 3440 ultra wide which was a bit of a shock

But that GPU is now 3 years old I guess?

Where is the time going!
My initial experience of this game has been quite underwhelming so far but that's to because I've barely played it. I mean barely.

Started it up when it launched and:

- no 3840x1600 resolution out of the box
- no FOV adjustment which is really needed for ultra widescreen
- tried to clear what appeared to be vaseline or smoke from my eyes but no it's meant to look that way
- the few cut scenes don't bode well, they aren't even in the same resolution as you play the game in (very canned)
- pushed straight in to a character creation screen which you can't skip (you can pick anything and change it later, granted)

It was at this point I alt-tabbed and force quit the game.

I've still not played it 2 days later. It just didn't grab me in the first 5 minutes like a lot of other games have. I'll admit that I've not been able to give it the dedicated time I think it requires, life's busy and got in the way. So I'll sit down later tonight and research some more to circumvent some of the issues list above and get stuck in, hopefully it'll enthral me enough to want to keep playing it.
There's a few games I've initially bounced off and over time come to appreciate - one was Deus Ex: Human Revolution which I put down for maybe 12 months before finally going back to (it's now in my top ten PC games) - another was Skyrim which just kind of dropped you in a village, did a *really* bad job of explaining what you were supposed to be doing, threw you into a few fights that were really stacked against you etc. I hated it.

When I did finally give it another shot I ended up putting over 200 hours into it and creating multiple mods myself because I enjoyed adventuring in the world Bethesda had created.

I guess what I'm saying is don't feel bad if Starfield doesn't just 'click' with you - put it down and come back later - you might find yourself surprised just as I was when I came back to Skyrim.
Well Skyrim was pretty much unusable without SkyUI's inventory management. And with Fallout 4 the stupid pip-boy thing had poor inventory management which modders semed reluctant to fix because the pip-boy was too popular.

I'm sure Starfield will get something eventually although of course SkyUI relies heavily on the Skyrim scripting extensions and those kind of deep mods may take a while.

So far I've only seen GameGPU.ru going into CPU thread loading, seems to scale better than FO4 but if Bethesda really had a $400 million budget for this, I hope a few million were used to update the way the Papyrus scripting engine works as it used to only use one main thread. Good threading is complex but a game with lots happening really needs it.

Initial reports of CPU limits in busy area sounds like they didn't improve this, or not enough anyhow.
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My initial experience of this game has been quite underwhelming so far but that's to because I've barely played it. I mean barely.

Started it up when it launched and:

- no 3840x1600 resolution out of the box
- no FOV adjustment which is really needed for ultra widescreen
- tried to clear what appeared to be vaseline or smoke from my eyes but no it's meant to look that way
- the few cut scenes don't bode well, they aren't even in the same resolution as you play the game in (very canned)
- pushed straight in to a character creation screen which you can't skip (you can pick anything and change it later, granted)

It was at this point I alt-tabbed and force quit the game.

I've still not played it 2 days later. It just didn't grab me in the first 5 minutes like a lot of other games have. I'll admit that I've not been able to give it the dedicated time I think it requires, life's busy and got in the way. So I'll sit down later tonight and research some more to circumvent some of the issues list above and get stuck in, hopefully it'll enthral me enough to want to keep playing it.
At least give it a chance. Hopefully some of the niggles are ironed out with patches asap because there is a very good game there.
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@TNA 12 or so hours later, just discovered the status/stat screen :p

This game definitely gets better as the hours go on. Have fully scanned my first few planets (great for XP and credits) and then a distress call quest opened up another couple of hour quest.

I mean this game is absolutely huge in scope and as I’ve said, it seems to be a real slow burn.


Awesome. My long play session is about to commence. Hopefully at least 8 hours :D
The only thing I don't really like about it so far is the space combat and flight side of things, it's so watered down - it feels almost pointless.

I did about 1000 hours in elite dangerous and the same in NMS, and it's just so great to fly around properly in your own ship, whereas in Starfield - the ship just feels like it's there for the sake of it.
The only thing I don't really like about it so far is the space combat and flight side of things, it's so watered down - it feels almost pointless.

I did about 1000 hours in elite dangerous and the same in NMS, and it's just so great to fly around properly in your own ship, whereas in Starfield - the ship just feels like it's there for the sake of it.

Yeh, the whole ship thing is underwhelming, just as well there's **** loads of quests to do on planets.
Makes me think of SWTOR ships.

You get your ship and then its just used as fast travelling device aside from some scripted minigames that don't matter. Then in the current time the devs have broken the quick travel system so that you don't even need to get into to your ship, you quick travel using a map and pretend your ship did it.
To counter some of the misinformation spread by many on FSR 2 in Starfield:

FSR2 in the game, does increase FPS when used correctly. Set dynamic rendering to off, set your render scale and your sharpening levels to your desired level and you will be using FSR 2 as an upscaler.

FSR works well with my 4080 and I see no need to download a DLSS mod with these settings. For reference I have included the FSR render scales for each quality setting.

I finally settled on 80% render scale and no sharpening at all. This results in image quality as good as native (some things better some slightly worse) unless you pixel peep and gives about a 20% FPS boost at 4K. I also do not see any excessive shimmering or aliasing. This is enough to keep my FPS at 60+ FPS at 4K, or well inside my monitor Freesync range. Setting 67% render scale gives about 40% performance increase (from 50 to 70 FPS)

EDIT: For reference I did try the DLSS 3.5 mod for this and the performance increase was identical to FSR 2. I would rate DLSS and FSR as having similar IQ if you stop to pixel peep but I will caveat I only tried 4K with 75% - 80% scaling and sharpening at 10% or less due to both DLSS and FSR causing a bit of shimmer.

Ultra Quality1.3x (77% output resolution)2954×1662
Quality1.5x (67% output resolution)2560×1440
Balanced1.7x (59% output resolution)2259×1270
Performance2.0x (50% output resolution)1920×1080
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Gotta say after a bad start due to crashes I'm really enjoying the game. Just shame I can't do gaming marathons these days with a little one ha
This not the life changing - game of the decade, book a week off work and not leave your gaming chair while you take a dump where you sit. Some of you was making it out to be on the run up to beta launch?

Todd will be Todd :D and the FOMO crew will pre order like muppets. Good game guys.
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