It just feels like there should be so much more to do.
In Elite Dangerous - I used to spend hours on end floating around astroid fields in my type-9 scanning, mining and admiring the views - whilst keeping a lookout for nasty players or NPCs, especially in resource rich zones, was a great feeling of being "out there" then a huge sense of accomplishment, when I'd make it back to the station with 500000 tons of Palladium that I'd sell for 100M Credits or whatever..
With Starfield it feels like the only reason I enter my ship, is because it's docked at a space port and I can't fast travel from there, for anything else - I'm just standing outside > go to map > select system and press "jump", then when I arrive in the system, press the map button, select the surface landing side, then press "land"...
Although the worst, most annoying thing - is when you jump into a system and there's 3x pirates literally flying towards you shooting, within 1-2 seconds of you loading into space... So you're already taking damage before you can even do anything, it's **** - I just turn space combat to "very easy" now, so I can just get out of it as fast as I can.