Why doesn't it sound good?
One thing that I wasn't sure about from the conversation is if fuel has been removed or if they made running out of fuel a rare experience. Either way I agree with them that running out of fuel is a fun killer. It would be an interesting experience the first few times it happens. But after that it is annoying. It doesn't add to the main gameplay loop (which from what I gather is to explore and experience the world), it actively stops the main gameplay loop. That's why hunger and thirst mechanics are not often seen in RPG games outside of survival games. Rather than exploring the world, every x hours you need stop and cook a meal.
Satisfactory is a factory building game, the first form of power generation is a biomass burner that you need to fill with leaves and organic matter to keep the lights on. It gets tedious very quickly having to constantly search for leaves. You end up rushing to get coal power, which automates the filling of coal into the coal generators.
Edit: Fuel is still in the game,