Elise dangerous doesn't actually have loading screens while flying, but it needs to sync players between zones because MMOs can't just be one zone from a network perspective. So going from space to a planet, or another system is split up in to cells. If it was single player they said it could be completely seamless galaxy, something like space engine
I can't remember the exact number but i think ED is a maximum of 40 players per sever? And when moving between space and planet surface from a MP aspect your friends are either in their own ship or if they are on your ship they are fixed in place in a turret, which is a camera fixed to the ship.
So its a bit like Left4Dead, to end the level you all have to lock yourselves in an allocated room, only once everyone is in that same place can the game load you all in to the next level, it could
i suppose just pluck you from where you are and load you, but you're going to notice that
If my mate decides he wants to drive my vehicle out of the back of my ship while i'm burning in to the atmosphere, not even joking people do that _____ for the funnies all the time, then you can't have any of that.
I don't really know why ED loadscreens between systems and space to planet ecte... you could be right, its syncing players, but if that being the only reason, then it wouldn't be necessary for the loadscreens because..... well you wouldn't need to do that. see the line above.
My point was simply that, and i have said this in more detail earlier in the thread, ED proves that if it is necessary to have them then you can do that in such a way that you don't even know its happening, ED does an extremely good job of disguising loadsreens, as a laymen you don't know its happening, unless the server is a bit slow and you get that weird pause at the end of the "visual effect"
Because Frontier thought about this and put the work in, and a very good job they did of it.
This not off topic, because the argument here is Bethesda can do the same.