***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

Man does this game pick up.

I don't blame anyone after 5 hours playtime, maybe even 10-15 thinking this game is a little meh.

Nearly 40 hours and and absolutely loving it.

One of the slowest burns I’ve played, but my goodness does it get better. Don’t want to spoil anything, but there is some cool **** that they save for later.
Erm. He was able to interact with the artifact? Or did you skip that bit and misunderstood the significance of that? Lol

I am pretty sure you can say you never saw anything after touching the weird space metal and you still get given the keys to the ship. Not only that you can spend the 10 minutes beforehand blasting everyone in the head with your laser with no consequence. It is atrocious writing.
New Atlantis seems to be the only place so far where I notice it dropping a bit below my 72 FPS frame cap. God knows why as it's ugly as ****, even on ultra at 1440p. The game is definitely writing cheques it cannot cash at times in regard to performance.

To be honest, I think they just need to optimise New Atlantis.

The game hasn't grabbed me yet, but will keep on based on everyone saying it is a slow burner.
New Atlantis and Akila City are the most intensive places you will see for fps drops. My 4090 hits the 70s in those places, and it's a genuine mystery as to wtf because they are both very low complexity areas and no debris physics or anything to account for the fps drop...
I am pretty sure you can say you never saw anything after touching the weird space metal and you still get given the keys to the ship. Not only that you can spend the 10 minutes beforehand blasting everyone in the head with your laser with no consequence. It is atrocious writing.

Ah fair enough. I will won't defend the writing, I have not seen much, but what I have seen seems Bethesda quality to me so I won't act surprised.
This game is addictive as all hell.

Knocked up an outpost on some moon, right dive... no cohesion, structures lumbered about and then shoved that adoring fan up there.... Get to work ya weirdo

Yeah, that adored fan is definitely an odd one. And the voice actor they chose made it even more lol. Pretty sure that voice sounds familiar from Star Trek stuff.
New Atlantis and Akila City are the most intensive places you will see for fps drops. My 4090 hits the 70s in those places, and it's a genuine mystery as to wtf because they are both very low complexity areas and no debris physics or anything to account for the fps drop...

Yeh it's weird. The worst looking places perform the worst. Think it's just a cpu bottleneck and something in their engine is just bad at processing lots of NPC's. I remember the same in Oblivion, Skyrim etc. It feels like they processing them even when way off screen.

I don't quite get how they still have the issue now we have CPUs many times faster than that, with the NPCs largely doing nothing differently or more complex.

I personally find Cyberpunk far more striking and impressive graphically than this, even in performance mode on series x. This is just very obviously fallout 4 with some makeup.
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It's not a CPU bottleneck or anything hardware related. It's just crap optimisation. Our hardware is all perfectly fine. Saying it's a CPU bottleneck infers that the hardware is not capable, this is not the case!
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It's not a CPU bottleneck or anything hardware related. It's just crap optimisation. Our hardware is all perfectly fine. Saying it's a CPU bottleneck infers that the hardware is not capable, this is not the case!

This, it's one of the worst performing games out there now compared to the way it looks!

Oh and how do I get rid of the tool tips at the top? It's been stuck on PRESS TAB to see your mission screen for ages. Even though I have!
It's not a CPU bottleneck or anything hardware related. It's just crap optimisation. Our hardware is all perfectly fine. Saying it's a CPU bottleneck infers that the hardware is not capable, this is not the case!

Well, yeh when you put it like that.

I guess something in the engine isn't able to harness the power of a modern CPU properly.
It's just poorly optimised, really, they won't ever patch the optimisation, Todd's comment on video saying "upgrade your PC" tells all we need to know. The modders will have to fix optimisation.

Look at other games like Last of Us, Cyberpunk etc, all of them had similar bad optimisation at launch, yet they ended up being patched multiple times to the point where now they are very efficient and well optimised and those fps drops no longer exist. Bethesda don't seem to care about doing that though because the modding scene has normalised this sort of thing for them.
So far so good. Bit frustrating trying to land the damn airship at the right locations but enjoying it

So basically. We have some vision of being in a dark tunnel, wake up and we're not sure what it was.. then there are " pirates " that are against us and we are flying around the galaxy, but for what purpose ?
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Had a quick play Weds and last night and came away a bit disappointed tbh, and especially with the graphics :(
So, I've used the FOV, frame gen mods and the high def texture pack, and then did quite a few missions, and..

Oh yeah, this is gonna be good and a total ******* time sink of a game in a good way, a very good way :D
Yes, it could be better, and I mean much much better optimised, but for now I'm having a complete blast!
GOTY, no chance in it's current state.
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