*** The Official Steam Deck Thread ***

I have had a slight dabble with Moonlight, after having a pre-dabble with native Steam Streaming. I found Moonlight the be vastly superior in terms of image quality, lag and latency in the one game I tried, which was Distant Worlds Universe, a game which is otherwise not possible to play on the Deck. This was over normal wifi with an LCD deck, so not wifi6 although the router is capable of wifi6 if that matters at all. Not had much more of a play with it since but I was mightily impressed by the simplicity of the setup and the potential for streaming pretty much anything to the Deck.
I seem to be getting a bit of drift on the left stick in Against the Storm. It's not really drifting on its own, more just when I make a tiny push upwards, it seems to occasionally interpret that as full lock upwards and shoot off until I put another signal. Anyone else getting this? Is it stick drift? I'll try with other games, I didn't notice it in dishonored.
I seem to be getting a bit of drift on the left stick in Against the Storm. It's not really drifting on its own, more just when I make a tiny push upwards, it seems to occasionally interpret that as full lock upwards and shoot off until I put another signal. Anyone else getting this? Is it stick drift? I'll try with other games, I didn't notice it in dishonored.
I had a similair issue which I intially solved by increasing the deadzone but then the controls felt sloppy so stuck some new sticks in. I noticed it most in emulators then it started to show in other games like A hat in time.
I had a similair issue which I intially solved by increasing the deadzone but then the controls felt sloppy so stuck some new sticks in. I noticed it most in emulators then it started to show in other games like A hat in time.
Ye I was wondering if those hall effect ones might fix it. Did they work for you?
Not a Deck owner but I use the steam controller a lot. You setup the gyro on low sensitivity to activate on right trackpad touch and set the right trackpad as a mouse on very high sensitivity. Essentially you use the right trackpad to make snap turns and aim towards the general direction you want and then you fine-tune your aim with the gyro.
Nice found a community controller setup that was configured like that, that helped a lot
I have had a slight dabble with Moonlight, after having a pre-dabble with native Steam Streaming. I found Moonlight the be vastly superior in terms of image quality, lag and latency in the one game I tried, which was Distant Worlds Universe, a game which is otherwise not possible to play on the Deck. This was over normal wifi with an LCD deck, so not wifi6 although the router is capable of wifi6 if that matters at all. Not had much more of a play with it since but I was mightily impressed by the simplicity of the setup and the potential for streaming pretty much anything to the Deck.

Would you be so kind as to put performance stats on moonlight and give us an indication of the latancy and stream stability.
Would you be so kind as to put performance stats on moonlight and give us an indication of the latancy and stream stability.

If you can tell me how to take screenshots on the Deck with the performance overlay visible then I will try. I've just tried with STEAM+R1 combo and it doesn't save the overlay, just the game. Seems to be a bug since OS3.5?

Edit: Brute forced it... does this show what you were on about?

Anyway, I remember with Battletech, with Steam inbuilt streaming it would often miss input commands and also lag with screen updates such that you sometimes assumed a command hadn't gone through when it had because the screen didn't update in time. But with Moonlight there was none of this.


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Has anyone played factorio on the deck? If so how is it? I've not played it on the PC either just looking at it as a potential purchase before I go away for a week at end of Jan, and seen it raved about in other threads on here.
Has anyone played factorio on the deck? If so how is it? I've not played it on the PC either just looking at it as a potential purchase before I go away for a week at end of Jan, and seen it raved about in other threads on here.
I've not played it on the SD but I've played it extensively on the PC. It's one game I've not even considered playing my SD. It gets pretty complex with a lot on screen at once. I've no doubt it'll run on the SD but I don't think it'd be playable
Got the OG one recently from steam as a refurb, loving it. Spending way too many hours on FM2024 and also using chiaki4deck to remoteplay to my ps5 upstairs. Many hours sunk into games on the PS5 that i was just not using because it meant sitting in the office. Now i can do it all from the sofa!
I upgraded from the LCD to the OLED one and I would do it again without hesitation. The OLED screen is definitely worth it, HDR content is stunning and even SDR colours really stand out. The fan is also much quieter and once it gets noticeable it’s a lot nicer to the ears instead of the LCDs which sounded like a high pitch jet engine. Hard to describe sound but it sounds more like a decent quality PC case fan now.

Battery life is extremely noticeable, depending on the game it can be up to a 50% improvement in battery life, playing games like a non modded Skyrim special edition for example I’m getting between 4hrs to 5hrs at medium to high settings, native res at a locked 45fps so I can keep frame times smooth, screen is running at 90hz so it feels pretty smooth.

There is so many little improvements that all add up because pretty much every component has been changed tweaked and improved on, if you can afford to spend the extra it’s honestly so worth it.
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I upgraded from the LCD to the OLED one and I would do it again without hesitation. The OLED screen is definitely worth it, HDR content is stunning and even SDR colours really stand out. The fan is also much quieter and once it gets noticeable it’s a lot nicer to the ears instead of the LCDs which sounded like a high pitch jet engine. Hard to describe sound but it sounds more like a decent quality PC case fan now.

Battery life is extremely noticeable, depending on the game it can be up to a 50% improvement in battery life, playing games like a non modded Skyrim special edition for example I’m getting between 4hrs to 5hrs at medium to high settings, native res at a locked 45fps so I can keep frame times smooth, screen is running at 90hz so it feels pretty smooth.

There is so many little improvements that all add up because pretty much every component has been changed tweaked and improved on, if you can afford to spend the extra it’s honestly so worth it.

I don't regret keeping the cost under £300 by going lcd recently. But if you do use the deck a decent amount then yeah, well worth paying the extra.

Looking forward to SD2. That's when I will end up on OLED :)
They did indeed, they also allowed me to reduce the deadzone which improved the responsiveness hugely. I highly reccomend the upgrade.
They came today but unfortunately they look like they don't fit the oled deck, having done some googling they are for the LCD one, I didn't get round to opening mine up to check definitively. I didn't get beyond the type A or B step.
They came today but unfortunately they look like they don't fit the oled deck, having done some googling they are for the LCD one, I didn't get round to opening mine up to check definitively. I didn't get beyond the type A or B step.
Oh mate that sucks! I didn't realised you had the oled deck, it must be fairly new then? In that case I'd reach out to support as it's not right to have drift on sticks with little use.
I was quite enjoying Midnight Suns from this month's Humble Choice, but then I made the mistake of buying Baldur's Gate 3 on a whim. I'm hooked :cry: I don't even want to look at my play time from the last three days :eek:

This Steam Deck thing is trouble - it makes gaming far too convenient :p
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