The ***OFFICIAL*** Supreme commander thread. (video inside)

Kreeeee said:
I think my 6800GT @ ultra will be fine and dandy for the job. I do think that RAM and a dual CPU will be important though.

I defo agree on the RAM front, but is the game coded for dual core do we know? i.e. will it take advantage of that?

Thanks :)
Kreeeee said:
I'd bet on it. It's a spanking new game and will be rather processor heavy so I would have thought that dual core was an obvious way to go. These are just my opinions though and not fact :)

Just done a search in Google and apparently it will get a boost from dual-core CPU's, but they are not required. Aparently the PC's they use for SupCom are dual-core but that could all change.

Seems atm it's neither yes or no.

It could take some advantage of dual-core, but as always, a highly overclocked single core (probably 2.6Ghz+) will also be fine!
Hmm just heard they are having trouble getting the game size down as it takes around about 11Gb's when installed. I know this is a lot, but when you consider hdd's are around 80Gb+ now it shouldn't be a problem. I just hope they don't remove features from the game to reduce the size!!
Firegod said:
Hmm just heard they are having trouble getting the game size down as it takes around about 11Gb's when installed. I know this is a lot, but when you consider hdd's are around 80Gb+ now it shouldn't be a problem. I just hope they don't remove features from the game to reduce the size!!

i doubt they will, they will just dick about with the compression till they get it right. my total annihilation full install with add ons is only 150mb teheehee :D
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