Kreeeee said:
I guess some people prefer the simpler mass and attack approach.
there is no simple gameplay in Total Annihilation

its got twice the ammount of ground units of starcraft and 3 times as many planes and they are all perfectly balanced against the other sides.
its also got a hell of a lot more mods available for it.
The online TA community was brilliant until boneyards closed, then it became decentralised and had no focal point. Boneyards was a legendary online gaming system and a first for RTS. there was always a minimum of 60 people online playing in the wee hours of the morning
these days people use a website called phoenix worx, theres always at least 30 people on it and they have tried to make it look like Boneyardss as best they can.
Kreeeee said:
I'm suprised the TA community impressed you but the SC one did not :S.
the community was impressive, and its called south Koreas "national sport" but the game itself just didnt interest me too much, and i have played it allot... very little air combat, no Long range cannons, no physics (gravity, wind, ect ect) not much of a choice of defencive weapons, no dragons teeth, no minimap radar display, no sharing team line of site or team resources (you could give resources manually but thats abit crappy) No naval vessels,
Starcraft also had no whiteboard function as in TA you can actually draw on the map with your mouse pointer and your allies can see it, it allows you to draw attack patterns and points of entry to better co-ordinate an assault when playing team games, or simply to mark important buildings.