The *Official* Supreme Commander Thread

But t3 arty is now insanely expensive, more so than most experimentals. The most important change was to make mass fabricators unsustainable compared to expanding your base, so the player who expands will have the better economy, therefore more stuff to kill with.
FA needs mass like nobodies business, if you don't go out and capture and HOLD the mass nodes long enough to upgrade them then you will loose in almost any situation. The mass fabs are now also T2 which means it's more effort to build them early on (getting to T2) and the T3 ones use an insane amount of power - so you end up having to have a 1 to 1 ratio of T3 Mass Fabs to T3 power which isn't sustainable as mentioned.

Makes it a far better game though as you have to go out and fight for the points otherwise you're screwed royally :)
I still feel the T1/2 mass fab nerf was a bit to much though. They're not even feasable to use to even support your economy at the moment, and i only rarely build them, like if i'm not going air.
I still feel the T1/2 mass fab nerf was a bit to much though. They're not even feasable to use to even support your economy at the moment, and i only rarely build them, like if i'm not going air.

They are VERY feasible in 2x res, but do not even consider them in a normal match, they were nerfed beyond the realm of usability.

FA games consists of:
  1. Build initial factory, build initial economy
  2. Spread out with fast attack skirmishes
  3. Build larger force whilst hindering opponents development of his equal force
  4. Send larger force in to crush opponent
  5. If larger force fails then build a more powerful force

There are two methods of winning through FA economics
Gain economic ground over your opponent and beat him in numbers
Gain economic ground and beat him in higher powered technology

Of course there is also tactics such as quick and more tactical rushes, but I will leave these to discover by yourselves.
Just a quick question this one, got this yesterday from D2D, from what i gather linking certain structures gives some sort of bonus, but i have no idea always perfect for energy, but its the mass im always slow on...ive figured out the mass storages around the mass extractors (4 in a cross config) but what else is there?
Just a quick question this one, got this yesterday from D2D, from what i gather linking certain structures gives some sort of bonus, but i have no idea always perfect for energy, but its the mass im always slow on...ive figured out the mass storages around the mass extractors (4 in a cross config) but what else is there?

Mass storage around T3 mass fabs gives a 50% bonus. Mass and energy production next to factories reduces resource cost of building units.
Mass storage around T3 mass fabs gives a 50% bonus. Mass and energy production next to factories reduces resource cost of building units.

Did you get forged alliance too? If so, dont build T3 mass fabs. They have been nerfed.

Basic rules are mass storage around mex's and power gens on at least one side of factories.
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