The **Official** Test Drive Unlimited for PC thread

tonyyeb said:
Cheers for that ;)

NP, it happened to me, I was like YAHOOOO A PATCH!! :eek: Only to find it was something to stop people playing the BETA after the BETA ended and in NO-CD's :mad:
Quick msg - Crossy im not ignoring you on msn mate, it wont let me send anythign to you......stupid thing.

Come on Vent :)
justinwilkin said:
Yeah, i've tried mp3's and creating m3u playlists in the radio folder but neither work for some reason :mad:

It happened on my old pc too but I managed to get it working and i cant remember how :(

you have to create another folder inside the radio folder and name it, to the best om y knowledge - E.g i have Dance and Drum n Bass
Didnt know about that save game backup program, cheers. Tho bit late in the day to find it as i dont have any urge to play this now due to losing my save progress as i dont fancy driving all that way to unlock bikes again. :(

Thanks tho. Hopefully i will try again if patch comes out this month and the bugs actually are fixed.
Ingame name : Elidy

Anyone up for a cruise? Although only got it this afternoon so have an Alpha GT 3.2 (Not that I woudnt like that in real life :p )
Larnica said:
Ingame name : Elidy

Anyone up for a cruise? Although only got it this afternoon so have an Alpha GT 3.2 (Not that I woudnt like that in real life :p )
i got nothing else to do at the moment so i guess so
get me on xfire so we can decide where to meet n1gh7stalk3r
gamer_boy said:
Thinking about getting this game. Just a question, is it worth getting it if I only play with a keyboard nd mouse? I do have a joystick if that would work better.


Keyboard is difficult and I can imagine a joystick being even worse. If I were you I'd buy a cheap game pad and use that, I'm using one i got free with my graphics card :) works brilliantly and is SO much easier to control.
NightSt@lk3r said:
mine goes laggy every so often a reboot normally fixes it

Yep just done that, seems to of fixed it (never does it on anything else). just preparing dinner, and re-downloading Xfire. Probs be back on in an hour or so, cya later maybe!! :)
I reckon they have done some updates on the servers, as anyone i have tried to connect to has happened first, all today. Me n Willhub were playing earlier and was so easy to connect to each others instances :)

Also noticed that the Champion status is now marked by a goldy/yellow icon rather than the usual red....when did that happen?

They are sorting it all out slowly :)........dont give up on this cracking game just yet :D
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