The **Official** Test Drive Unlimited for PC thread

phatboy said:
I reckon they have done some updates on the servers, as anyone i have tried to connect to has happened first, all today. Me n Willhub were playing earlier and was so easy to connect to each others instances :)

Also noticed that the Champion status is now marked by a goldy/yellow icon rather than the usual red....when did that happen?

They are sorting it all out slowly :)........dont give up on this cracking game just yet :D
I had the opposite :( - but am a noob...

ps3ud0 :cool:
HI, this is such a laugh (sometimes :p ) , 3 days a newbie
im clueless . just riding around doing challenges with people ,
Do i join a club?

i just like to free ride and find other online players, and go for a drive
but i hardly see anyone, good fun them fast drives and crashes!

im swampy46 on the game,
benjo said:
Nightstalker, what happened? :confused: :(

Was fun whilst it lasted. I lost my TDU OcUK Cruise virginity to you ;)

Being immature that made me giggle

Whos up for a drive? - if so add Larnica to xfire and msg me
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hmm im pretty unsure about this game and only had it one day.

i absolutely love how it looks and plays its great, but the multiplayer is a massive let down, why is it actually IMPOSSIBLE to meet up with a friend :confused: and saying that half time the time i cant actually see anyone else on the road just me for some wierd reason like tonight i could look at the map and see loads of people on the map, yet i drive around and cant find anyone at all. im not sure if ive got something set somewhere that is stopping me from seeing people, but if i do or someone knows of something like this let me know :D

also the police on this game im finding quite annoying, trying to get rid of them then some more pop up ahead and the fines been ridiculous, looking at my stats just before i came off and 31% of my money earned has went onto fines, even if someone bumps into me i get the heat quite annoying.

anyway im still trying to play the game through these annoyances haha, but if anyone knows why i cant see anyone when im driving around please let me know.

atari need to sort their ******* servers out im so ****** off right now, i was doing the millionaires round the island race just passed the 27th checkpoint of 32, 50 mins into the race when it flashed up no server connection....... wtf .... that sucks :mad: :mad: :mad:
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stinka said:
atari need to sort their ******* servers out im so ****** off right now, i was doing the millionaires round the island race just passed the 27th checkpoint of 32, 50 mins into the race when it flashed up no server connection....... wtf .... that sucks :mad: :mad: :mad:

I had that on the tour of the island race, so close then DING CONNECTION LOST :eek:

Whats your Xfire?
I dont know whats going on tbh, these crappy servers have there bad and good days, yesterday I was connecting to people all the time on the first attempt, then last night it was like impossible to connect to anyone, guess americans have a big impact on the server.
Probably overlooking something dead obvious here, but I can't find the function to get online?

Didn't do it when I originally created my profile, and gamespy arcade doesn't seem to find the game when I scan?
Yeah just noticed that, so created a new profile.

Next problem is that my connection ALWAYS seems to disconnect, yet when I'm just browsing the net or whatever it seems fine, it's almost like when it's having to transmit constant data it becomes tired and just gives up.
you on lowish signal/variable speed wireless? might be that any strain in data load causes the conn to drop for it....i used to have that issue on my wireless especially when the router was roasting hot
Don't really play any other games online to test it with, but it happens quite often if I'm downloading a torrent. Doesn't really do it if I'm dling a large file from the internet though, possible something to do with uploading data rather than downloading?
well a torrent does have a nack for hammering a connection with packets sent up and down, and a lot of it might be a load issue then
I can mainly be found drifting at the track, either in a white Dodge Viper or my newest acquisition. Screen name is [OcUK]MeddlE.

Does this game live for the online mode or is it still pretty good in singleplayer - i doubt my Uni network will allow me to connect to any servers :/

Oh and PhatPhish, one thing i would definately do is purchase a programme called netlimiter, firstly so you can limit your upsteam/downstream on torrents more effectively than the actuall torrent application can itself. Secondly because it allows you to monitor the bandwidth useage of your computer on an application by application basis - could give you an idea of whats using up your bandwidth.
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