I see AMD are taking the same approach they did with their proprietary GPU compute technology. Just like they did with OpenCL they are making a huge song and dance about how they are providing the foundations for this wonderful technology while actually letting others do all the hard work (like Apple had to put in the effort with OpenCL). We already know that huge chunks of the Mantle code have been tossed out, the entire shader language for example.
AMD made a huge song and dance about how wonderful Mantle was, how they were going to open it up to everyone, how it would be free to everyone. They delivered on none of those promises, and instead have jumped on this chance to use Vulkan as a suitable smoke screen to drop all their efforts.
I'm sure Vulkan will have a much better impact on the industry than Mantle ever did, as one was obviously designed to be a PR and point scoring exercise while the other an actual industry standard free from single vendor politics.
AMD made a huge song and dance about how wonderful Mantle was, how they were going to open it up to everyone, how it would be free to everyone. They delivered on none of those promises, and instead have jumped on this chance to use Vulkan as a suitable smoke screen to drop all their efforts.
I'm sure Vulkan will have a much better impact on the industry than Mantle ever did, as one was obviously designed to be a PR and point scoring exercise while the other an actual industry standard free from single vendor politics.