** The Official WWDC 2009 Thread **

FM transmission isn't a crap rumor at all. What about all these Itrips etc etc. Its a valid feature.

Only as an aftermarket feature - modern cars have ipod connectors. If apple couldn't be bothered to support anything other than HD for the apple TV (shutting out legacy users) then why bother supporting nasty legacy fm transmission for the iphone. Makes no sense.

Apple get a cut from any accessory which uses the dock connector anyway so it's not a completely lost revenue stream for them. It would have taken up space and been a niche feature for a few users which would get steadily less relevant.

It's inclusion would have been silly...
Has anyone noticed the discrepancy on the Apple website? The new front page of MacBookPro says starting at £1299, yet on the store, the 13" is £899.
No, it was always a ridiculous suggestion - old technology they were never going to include.

Not ridiculous considering that certain silicon companies are looking to produce combination IC devices that include GPS/BT and FM transmitters.

I actually would've welcomed it considering my car does not have a tape deck or ipod connector. So it wouldve been the next best thing I guess!

FM transmission isn't a crap rumor at all. What about all these Itrips etc etc. Its a valid feature.

Thank you! :)
Safari 4 is non-existant in Software Update but available online!

That was a poor Apple keynote. Just like a normal company keynote really. $29 for Leopard SP1 isn't bad though - for Apple.
Did they really say that the upgrade to Snow Leopard would be $29 or something daft? Am I just too used to Microsoft pricing?

(only got my first Mac just before Xmas)

Yep and only $49 for the family pack, thats my mini, mbpro and parents iMac covered, already got iWorks and iLife09 allround, and possibly an EFI-X box as well.;)
I don't quite get why everyone thinks this is a disappointment, what were you expecting that they didn't give? You've got

New camera (3MP but hey, it's not the MP that counts!)
Double Capacity
2x faster
Better battery life

Seriously, what else do you want?
Prices are up for the Macbook Pros...

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