The ONE AND ONLY ***OFFICIAL*** Crysis thread - SPOILERS!

I wonder is crysis would have been better if EA didn't get involved.

Considering even before the ea aquisition crytek were running round telling anyone who would listen that crysis would be out in may\june 07 i doubt it. They had 4-5 additional months of dev time on top of that.
Is anyone else pretty disappointed with this game. I still stand by my earlier comments about the performance of this game. Ive gone and spent £1200 on a rig and still have to reduce my settings to medium, at this point IMO i think the game looks naff. That said i have managed to play most of the game on high, although once you have you don't ever want to revert back to mediums settings which frustrates me a fair bit.

Graphics and performance aside, the AI is absolutely poor. They are stupid, random and everywhere, to much in places. And one the mission where you have to go down the stream to the "grave yard" where you first encounter the cheap knock off suits, the HIND drove me insane ! Grrrr.

Not me, i knew it was way over hyped. :p
Which once again begs the question - it looks relatively bad on any hardware now, it plays relatively bad on any hardware now, AI is shot, story flow is inconsistant, how on earth did it get 98% and 9.5 out of 10 in all reviews.
It got only 8.3 out 10 on IGN for the Crysis [AU] one... (But 9.4 out 10 for the US one:confused:)

8.5 Presentation
Considering it's an EA title, it doesn't quite have the stellar presentation levels it usually produces.
8.5 Graphics
Raise this to a 10 if you've got SLI. For the rest of us, there are games out there that look better while remaining playable.
6.5 Sound
Hang on, the game has sound? At least it wasn't offensive... and a couple of the guns were kind of meaty.
8.5 Gameplay
The massive range of ways to clear any given situation help overcome the lack of narrative and pacing.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Ten to fifteen hours of singleplayer, with a solid multiplayer offering that nobody will play due to extreme system requirements.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Closing Comments
For the 0.2% of the PC market that has an SLI system, Crysis is the shiznit. For these lucky few, mind-blowing graphics elevate what would otherwise be just another solid shooter into the realm of must-have gaming. Sadly, for those of us without golden toothbrushes, private jets and PCs from the future, it remains just a solid shooter, that isn’t in quite the same league as other recent triple A releases.
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Was playing it on dx10 everything on high and a few things on medium but i was getting major slowdown on big firefights, below 20fps.

Just changed to dx9 mode and put everything on high with shaders on very high (im running under vista64)

Plays very smooth now throughout and i dont really miss the little added bonus of dx10.
Dx10 does give a few graphic enhancements but at the moment its just too much of a performance hit. Im not running a old machine either, got my e6300 at 3ghz, and my 8800GTS 640mb overclocked to the max.
My copy arrives tomorrow, but ill probably play the first level then it goes back on the shelf, until i get a rig that plays it at least really well on meduim settings. I cant wait to play it next year when the hardware comes out:p:(
Res is at 1680x1050, just been playing the game and loving it now.

Just looked too dated for me in medium settings:)

Is all your settings at high? Cause at 1152x864 with all at high apart from shadows at medium, its a bit sluggish most of the time. This is on XP btw.
Was playing it on dx10 everything on high and a few things on medium but i was getting major slowdown on big firefights, below 20fps.

Just changed to dx9 mode and put everything on high with shaders on very high (im running under vista64)

Plays very smooth now throughout and i dont really miss the little added bonus of dx10.
Dx10 does give a few graphic enhancements but at the moment its just too much of a performance hit. Im not running a old machine either, got my e6300 at 3ghz, and my 8800GTS 640mb overclocked to the max.

Are you using edited .cfg files to set the Shaders to Very High in DX9 mode? My system is slightly better than yours (8800GTX KO and E6600 @ 3.4GHz) and with those settings I get around 15fps I think.
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