Which once again begs the question - it looks relatively bad on any hardware now, it plays relatively bad on any hardware now, AI is shot, story flow is inconsistant, how on earth did it get 98% and 9.5 out of 10 in all reviews.
It got only 8.3 out 10 on IGN for the Crysis [AU] one... (But 9.4 out 10 for the US one
Considering it's an EA title, it doesn't quite have the stellar presentation levels it usually produces.
Raise this to a 10 if you've got SLI. For the rest of us, there are games out there that look better while remaining playable.
Hang on, the game has sound? At least it wasn't offensive... and a couple of the guns were kind of meaty.
The massive range of ways to clear any given situation help overcome the lack of narrative and pacing.
Lasting Appeal
Ten to fifteen hours of singleplayer, with a solid multiplayer offering that nobody will play due to extreme system requirements.
(out of 10 / not an average)
Closing Comments
For the 0.2% of the PC market that has an SLI system, Crysis is the shiznit. For these lucky few, mind-blowing graphics elevate what would otherwise be just another solid shooter into the realm of must-have gaming. Sadly, for those of us without golden toothbrushes, private jets and PCs from the future, it remains just a solid shooter, that isn’t in quite the same league as other recent triple A releases.