The ONE AND ONLY ***OFFICIAL*** Crysis thread - SPOILERS!

This game is just phenomenal. I'm playing it at 1680 x 1050 on medium settings and I've been getting 15-25 fps, bit slow like but I love this game.

I'm now up to the part where I fly the ship, how long left until I finish?

After that you land on the carrier and that's the last mission, takes about an hour or so
You probably missed an enemy out at an earlier stage. Fly back the way you came and just look around, remember it may not appear on the Map.

I missed some but I just kept flying towards the edge of the map as I suck flying them ships :), so was getting battered everytime I tried to kill one of the aliens.

I just finished the game, while I was fighting the Alien ship though, I noticed lots of soldiers just standing around, like if you were spawning people in or something, with their arms sticking out, was quite annoying and distracting.
Sad how people prefer amazing graphics over gameplay :( Give me gameplay any day. About a year ago when i was working out in Rwanda, someone sent me Darwinia .... graphics looked like VGA (16 colours), but the gameplay was superb and i couldn't stop playing it.

Once i had figured out how to use the suit efficiently in Crysis i set out to use it to its fullest and have fun with it.

Tell me, how many over you over used the cloak on the suit to avoid combat? So you could rush through the game and be the first to complete it!?

There are occasions in this game where you can use the cloak to get in to an enemy base to download what you need from a computer, then use it to get out of the base and move on to the next level...... wheres the fun in that :confused:

I took my time to play Crysis, explored and enjoyed the game, killed every enemy I came across. I didnt think it was too short, i often thought.... god when is this game going to end!?

I did think it was a bit easy though. After taking months to complete FarCry on the hardest level i thought, i'll play Crysis one level below the hardest ;)

Just wish id played it on the hardest setting now :(

Mate I play peggle!
Is it impossible to ge the console commands working in game or something? Anytime i try to enable ai ignore or godmode nothing happens. :confused:
I had something similar to that- think I just waited for like 30 seconds... Keep running around the area and just wait a bit, it's wierd sometimes like that.
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Why oh why does nothing happen when I go to the tank near the railway after speaking to Major Strickland?

I am just on that bit right now, I messed around trying to get in a tank, walk to the tunnel & a new level loads with you inside the tunnel
sitting in a tank!
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Ok im stuck in this core mision (save games called nomad). Just entered a chamber and nomads uttered something about "them waking up" and ive no clue wtf to do here, nothing sems to open or anything. :confused:

I think I know where you are, your in the chamber where all the alien things are, if you look around you see 4 sets of two arm things, if you wait a few minutes one will charge up. When I say charge up I mean you see electricity running through them. - Infact one has loaded up in your screenshot.

Gradually wait for all four of them load then the electricity flows to an opening - this is infact the opening to the outside, wait near there and the mission ends and you go to a cut scene and start the Lost Paradise or whateva it is, level.

GL :)

It does take a few minutes, but judging by the way it looks, have a nosey around the chamber and if you can go into strength mode and grab the aliens and chuck them about like you can with the NK's lol

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How long do you have to spend in that ship/mine/cave/thing? I just went in and it scares the crap out of me!

Your inside the Alien mountain thingy?.

It takes ages to get through if thats where you are and some of it can be quite confusing. I ended up getting annoyed with that level, and thinking "come on, just let me back outside onto the island...!!!!".

The bit to come that actually gets you outside again is good fun though.

Get ready for a rollercoaster ride!!!. :D
I have an 8800 GTS 640 and a clocked 2.6GHz 3700+ single core CPU with 2GB 3500LL Pro RAM. I'm running the game on Vista Ultimate 64.

I have the game set to high on everything, with shadows set to low and shaders set to Very High. There's no AA set and the nVidia control panel is set to default, nothing has been touched since installing the latest WHQL drivers.

It's running very well with the odd slowdown. I'm only on the 3rd/4th level so far however. Is there any tweak I can do just to squeeze a little more FPS out of the game without hampering the aesthetics as they stand?
The only thing I like about this game is the sound, think the jungle and the shrubbery sounds are spot on.
The rest is complete meh for me. Not even in that much awe of the GFX, but maybe my 8800GTS might just be showing it's age.

I wont say it's a bad game, but it really just doesn't appeal.
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