The ONE AND ONLY ***OFFICIAL*** Crysis thread - SPOILERS!

I have an odd Crysis problem and wondered if anyone had heard anything similar - searching various forums hasn't told me anything interesting.

Anyway, at the end of Exodus when you get into the VTOL there is the cut scene where Strickland does his stuff. At the end of the cut scene the VTOL door goes up and I assume that the next level should load.

When I play the door goes up and it is dark, however the sound effects, engines, aliens, gunfire continue. The first time I played I sat and waited and waited and then it started to reload my last save (as if I had died). I have now figured that even though the screen is essentially blank I am still in the game world and can run about, pressing esc brings the menu screen with a screenshot of my game (like normal) pressing escape again everything goes blank. Move around a bit and hit esc again the screen shot has moved on again.

Now I know that my specs are not ideal, 4800X2 with a 1900XT and 2GB ram but up until now the game has run fine. I am on 1.1 patch and the only advice I can find online is to reinstall and run unpatched to see what happens.

Anyone got any other suggestions?
It's about letting the player have the fun, not the designer. :P Every other game forces you to use their 'Features' usually with contrived level design.

Half Life 2 had gravity gun puzzles, and I enjoyed using that weapon a lot more than I have the Crysis suit.
Unlimited Ammo:
Type the line 'i_unlimitedammo = 1'.

Enemies Ignore You:
Type the line 'ai_IgnorePlayer = 1'.

Carry Unlimited Number of Weapons:
Type the line 'i_noweaponlimit = 1'.

has anyone gotten these to work, when i try crysis just crashes to desktop.
running XP x64.
tried with rtm and 1.2 patch
I've just entered the alien bit inside the mountain (killed the head honcho Korean bloke rescued the bird)

Its OK so far. Some bits are really good but didn't like the tank driving bit. Frustrating to say the least.

Not keen on the way it gives you the missions either "Oh, theres just one more thing then we'll come get you" style.

It slows down loads when theres lots going on.

E8200 @ 3.4
640GTS @ 600/1000 think its beta drivers.
Vista 64X
24" monitor

Everything on high

I can get away with putting some settings on Very High but it slows down quicker when the action starts. Have to quit and restart game and its better.
I've just entered the alien bit inside the mountain (killed the head honcho Korean bloke rescued the bird)

It slows down loads when theres lots going on.

E8200 @ 3.4
640GTS @ 600/1000 think its beta drivers.
Vista 64X
24" monitor

Everything on high

I can get away with putting some settings on Very High but it slows down quicker when the action starts. Have to quit and restart game and its better.

Lowering the res is surely the best option, can't see the point of playing with high resolutions & getting slowdowns & having restarts, dropping graphic settings etc. when your system will run smoother if you simply drop the res a peg or two.
Well completed it just now and I've got to say from the moment you drive the tank it goes down faster than a cheap hooker.

The floaty bit seems like its rushing you through it. The VTOL mission is the single worst mission I've ever played and the carrier mission has promise but is pretty mundane.

If Michael Bay were to release a PC game it would be Crysis. Looks really good but completely misses its mark.

I don't have a gamespy account or allowed it to install - is the multiplayer any good?
I don't have a gamespy account or allowed it to install - is the multiplayer any good?

Its good, but not Battlefield 2 good, if you see what I mean. Last I played, many of the servers were sadly hacked to pieces (though I here largely resolved now), and though the combat was fun, I really disliked having to purchase vehicles for myself, which to me felt quite restrictive.
Almost finished it, just the last big alien thing to kill. That's my problem. I have knocked out the four turrets but can't get the TAC Cannon to get a lock. How do you get a lock? Apart from that it was'nt a bad game. Far too short though and the VTOL level was rubbish. Loved the weapons and the suit. I know i could just give up as it's the last beastie but i really want to finish the damn thing off. A tip on how to use the TAC cannon would be much appreciated.
I think I had the same problem- it should lock on by itself once you aim towards the arm/shoulder regions IIRC. I think I had to go back a save or two, play through those bits, and it worked fine then.
I just finished. On the carrier I didn't hear any instructions to go and get the TAC gun (I was distracted at one point so it must have been that). Which meant I could get up top and dance with the aliens, but when it came to finishing off daddy alien, I couldn't. Nor could I backtrack and get the ruddy thing. It really ruined the whole experience, I should not have been able to get up there without that essential bit of equipment. The ending was also pants.

Enjoyed the game, I also didn't see the problem with the VTOL section. Most of the other vehicles in the game were not handled very well though. It was also far too short, only started playing it Saturday (on Delta too).

EDIT: Also, am I the only one who thought that "Paradise Lost" was way too short? We all know the game is short itself, but after I got out of the core and saw everything iced over I thought I was half way through the game. I was really looking forward to exploring the island after that. It looked jaw droppingly stunning, and the atmosphere for the first time in the game felt unique.
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I think I had the same problem- it should lock on by itself once you aim towards the arm/shoulder regions IIRC. I think I had to go back a save or two, play through those bits, and it worked fine then.

Sorted it. It was a bug in the game. Loads of people have suffered from it. You have to go back to the last autosave before the bestie comes out of the water. Pants ending. How typically american.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but i didnt feel my question was new topic worthy ;)

Did anyone else have some pretty mad stuttering on the second level, at the part where you save that woman in the building and then have to take out 2 tanks ? Like when going outside the game would stutter quite a a bit and then going back in etc. Im running it on High @ 1280x800.
My system is having major issues with the last sections of the game. The framerate has been OK up until now, but it's grinding to a halt now, and I've even tried knocking the resolution and settings down to lowest and it's still lagging and eventually gets so slow it locks up and you can't even exit the game, I have to restart my system physically :eek:
Just completed this, quite a good game although not up to the standards of Far Cry. Some thoughts:

-Hardware scaling was disappointing; DX9~Medium doesn't seem to run noticeably faster than DX10~High (so in the end I went with the latter). Framerate still drops into the teens on a couple of levels e.g. when in a massive fight in the Harbour.
-Some exceedingly lame bugs which I thought should have been fixed some 11 months after the game was released, e.g. the TAC Gun not locking on to the Warship forcing me to reload a couple of saves earlier.
-Some of the rumours about framerate didn't work out that way for me, e.g. very little performance loss in DX10, and the final fights weren't too bad (relatively speaking); over 20fps all the way and definitely faster than a couple of other areas of the game.
-I wasn't overly impressed by some of the early sections of the game, although it can be quite open-ended, combat just didn't seem as slick and atmospheric as say CoD4.
-On medium difficulty the game is pretty damn easy, a big contrast to Far Cry. It's also a fair bit shorter.
-I like the weapon mods you can attach, but didn't make much use of the suit other than in places where you need to jump high, or punch through a bulkhead. Speed and stealth mode run out very quickly so became a bit of a faff to use.
-The compulsary vehicle sections (tank/VTOL) kinda sucked I thought, certainly no better than what we saw years ago in the early MOH/COD games. Manning gun turrets was OK though.
-The "core" level was somewhat reminiscent of Unreal 2, I thought it was a bit lacking in combat though, most of the time you're just rushing through the level.
-Best level was probably "harbor" for me - some very frantic combat and a good variety of opponents/routes you can take. One of the later levels where you are retreating from the aliens is pretty cool too. I also quite likely the early part of the carrier where the scene is set in game via conversations etc, you start to build up a picture of what the admiral is like etc.

Are there any decent co-op mods for Crysis? Not involving the main campaign, but maybe alternate mini campaigns or a Left4Dead type thing?


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