The one and only signature creation thread




Forgot about this request. Didn't think about using grass.

Can I have a small 'g' please? ;)
Thanks Ever, i like the one in the middle but can you remove the small flag & remove the dark bit in the middle.
Going to watch the footie so i'll check later.
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Could someone please make me one using this but change the airborne to khemist in kind of the same style of writing and with the same kind of colours filling up the background if possible, thanks a lot.
Ever you're seriously good at this.

Just got Photoshop 7 today ! and a book to help me get to grips with it.

Any tips ?

I'd say get used to the workspace first, learn where things are on screen, what the tools do, and the keyboard shortcuts for them.

Layers are your friend! Learn as much as you can about layers, layer masks and layer blending effects, either from your book or the internet.

Learn how custom brushes work, there are thousands to download free on the net and they can help enhance your work.

Learn the keyboard shortcut for undo (step backward) :p I use it a few hundred times per sig!

Try watch some youtube (or other web videos) tutorials to compliment your book, sometimes it's easier to follow a video - there are a few here:

*the layout of photoshop on the videos may differ to yours due to different versions/OS, but the basics are the same :)
Photoshop is easy, only took me 2yrs to reach my current level :p

Could someone please make me one using this but change the airborne to khemist in kind of the same style of writing and with the same kind of colours filling up the background if possible, thanks a lot.

D you want the BG in a certain colour?
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Would any be kind enough to make me a new sig?

I'd like an electronics themed one please, with my user name"Geuben" in it, I've taken some pics of some 7 segment displays showing my user name, but I only have 4 so some photoshopping skills would be required to make the complete word. I think the pics might not be very usable though as my camera is pretty naff and It couldn't focus very well in the dark (I wanted the glow of the segments).

Anyway, here are the pics, feel free to use them or not.
was wondering, if you kind guys would create me a signature,

would like it to have my forum name on it small/big don't mind.
I like the background style of this.

if there happens to be on a nice anime like chick on it ill still accept!! :D
must confirm to ocuk forum guidelines :)

thanks a lot.
if its really good I don't mind helping the creator out with the recession ;)

Thankyou mrk im going to use that now!.

Although if anyone can WOW me with a new designed signature, thats unique to me. money is in for the taking

till no takers? :eek:
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