The one and only signature creation thread

I've got loads of sig's ready for a rotator but they're all like 23-25kb, anyone got a good way to reduce them that extra little bit? They're gif's by the way

Edit: Nevermind, a bit of lossy has done the trick
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Looks sweet, could you possibly make the writing stand out a little more, making it easier to read?

Perhaps a different font?

1 - 2 - 3 - 4

or something slightly different:

If anyone fancies making me one could I please have something with either my full name, Antar Bolaeisk, or just simply the initials AB.

Go nuts on it, doesn't have to involve anything in specific. It must be only 325 pixels wide and < 16KB.

Thanks in advance.
Please can someone make this into a OCuK friendly sig for me please. Any chance of losing the Marvel advertisement and making ^TANK^ into the flames pretty please:).

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