The one and only signature creation thread

Hi guys one of you designed my sig "back in the day".

Can you do me a new one please? Ferrari theme please and maybe a Washington Redskins one?

Cheers :)

Wow, great effort! I really like the theme and background. However, I have three requests, if it wouldn't be too much effort (as I said on the previous page, I can be a bit of a pest with these things :o but I'm going to be looking at it all day so it has to be super-mega awesome!

Firstly, could the text be on the right? It's just been there for 6 years and looks alien to me on the left :p

Secondly, for some reason I look at the thing on the right and see the face of an angry clown! I don't think it's intentional, but as I'm not a huge fan of clowns so if that squiggle could be less angry and clowny I'd be ever so grateful.

Thirdly, could I possibly see what the border would be like in a solid colour? I do like it, I just thought it might look a bit off to those using a black theme.

If you could tweak those things, I think I'd be more than happy to use it as a sig :)

Thanks so much!
That's not abd actually. Can you shift the name to the bottom left and maybe add some more swirls into the middle to fill the gap? :)

Should probably have read this again, before getting bored when I got back from Uni xD

Oh well, another option I guess. To be fair I stole the C4D off of Google... so didn't really take more than about 10 minutes....


Just realised how bad the see through text looks on the OcUK background... I'll put in a plain white one...


If anyone fancies knocking up a Mercedes-based sig with a touch of Supercharged Mazda MX-5 that'd be grand :D

Preferably dark colours :) My actual cars are a very dark purple/black and dark blue. Merc badges are always silver :)
Awesome as always mate!

However, can i ask for a little amendment? Here is my actual car. Choose either for the Sig....



Can you swap the Scud for this please?:D

Cheers :)


Do you want some proper photos doing? Im only 40 minutes from you and would quite like to add a ferrari to my car portfolio :)




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