The one and only signature creation thread

Can someone do me one with this picture;

If that picture doesn't work, a similar one with MSC in the MGP car will do.

Just a quicky, not sure what to do with the original image you provided


And another:

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Should probably have read this again, before getting bored when I got back from Uni xD

Oh well, another option I guess. To be fair I stole the C4D off of Google... so didn't really take more than about 10 minutes....


Just realised how bad the see through text looks on the OcUK background... I'll put in a plain white one...



Mmm, that looks a bit 'busy'.

Come on folk, pink signature! Easy! :D
Anyone want to have a stab at doing me a sig? About time I had one made.

Themes that can be considered:

Lifting weights / Fitness, Frenchness, Falling from high altitudes, Motorbikes / cars, Food... and generally being an awesome moderator! :D
Not me in a spandex lifting pink weights :p

I dunno, barbells, plates of weights, chalk, tyres... erm, not after gym babes in my sig, as much as I love Pauline Nordin or Jamie Eason - not bothered about having that. Not
sure about my totals, though it may give me some motivation to try and hit those weights again! :D
If anyone fancies knocking up a Mercedes-based sig with a touch of Supercharged Mazda MX-5 that'd be grand :D

Preferably dark colours :) My actual cars are a very dark purple/black and dark blue. Merc badges are always silver :)

Anyone? :(
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