The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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So Durham found that it was indeed a Hillary campaign conspiracy to frame Trump, HCQ was proven to be effective against COVID (see India), FB also ‘apologised’ for censoring talk about it, anything else?

Never change dude. Your delusions are just too entertaining. I'm still waiting for Hilary to suddenly take over from Biden, like the plan was all along :cry:
Just saw the meme he posted re left/center/right.

It would appear he is a broke brain too.

Imagine thinking the far right has stayed where it is, whilst voting in the utter garbage human being Trump, and causing a violent insurrection when they lost an election.

In reality, that meme should be reversed.
History won't deceive us. In 50 years it'll still be known as a violent insurrection, causing the only time a 1 term president to be impeached twice.

We can debate whether it happened or not, desperately trying to sell one view or the other, but history has already decided that event and it won't change now nor in 50 years.
Just saw the meme he posted re left/center/right.

It would appear he is a broke brain too.

Imagine thinking the far right has stayed where it is, whilst voting in the utter garbage human being Trump, and causing a violent insurrection when they lost an election.

In reality, that meme should be reversed.

In reality both sides would see just how far each has drifted towards the extreme, but instead what we actually get is each side believing that they've not moved and therefore its the others who have shot off into the extremes.

Sadly there's so much disinformation out there thats it's easy for both sides to find news articles from within their own echo chambers that provide the "evidence" that they're the ones who are correct and that any evidence "the others" has is 100% lies.

It's depressing at how angry we've become, allowing ourselves to be driven so far apart over into two snarling rabidly opposed teams because people want to act more like angry poop-flinging toddlers than rational adults any more.
I'm still not convinced this deal will even happen. It won't complete before the middle of October and can be pushed back another 6 months. I love what Musk does with tech but he shouldn't be anywhere near owning such a powerful social media platform.
The reality is the left/woke don't contribute much.

Look at CNN+ as an example. You guys should have been subscribing to it.

The phrase "Get Woke Go Broke" isn't meaningless. It's the truth.

I'm not sure what they were thinking with CNN+. It sounded like the programming was terrible and you got more from watching CNN for free. How they thought they could compete with the other streaming companies baffles me. No one is paying for a news channel and especially when its already available for free. Who ever came up with such a stupid idea needs to be sacked and publicly shamed.
The reality is the left/woke don't contribute much.

Look at CNN+ as an example. You guys should have been subscribing to it.

The phrase "Get Woke Go Broke" isn't meaningless. It's the truth.
Why would the 'left' care to prop up a business that literally solely exists to exploit them whilst deflecting criticism of the establishment?

What I want to know is why the 'right' does.
Maybe they should ban the comedy gang looking at twitter on their phones in the Houses of parliament, as opposed to doing what they are employed for, kinda like the french government taking phones off of pupils in schools.

Musk sold $8B of shares this week for pocket money, (did Bill make more money from shorting Tesla stock);
beyond buying twitter do wonder if Musk sees risk in Tesla's Chinese investments, following Ukraine, maybe they are no greater than other car manufacturers.
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