The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Oh look at all the rage because freedom of speech is back on Twitter.
For some it was their safe space where they could spew all their lies unchecked, NOT ANYMORE.
Now opinions from the other side are welcome too, oh the horror how can Elon Musk allow fair debate
You're struggling to read again
Which incredibly well moderated platforms are there? Moderation costs money, you seem to want Twitter to have a team of thousands of moderators when that simply isn't feasible with the operating model Elon wants, since it would require the types of advertisers who would want the platform to be a "safe space" where even moderately controversial views would be censored.
Twitter had a moderation team that was at least trying and could show it was attempting to meet the minimums legally required stuff, and enough to try and reassure advertisers (who were, and I emphasise, were) Twitters primary income.

Then Musk basically said "we're going to do away with any real moderation", scared off the main income source for twitter, then saddled it with a massive amount of debt tripling it's monthly losses in a single stroke, got rid of every last one of the people that could have given some assurances to the advertisers that their products were not going to be advertised next to explicitly illegal content or people getting rape and death threats and you say that moderation is expensive.
Moderation costs money, not moderating a social media platform is far more expensive as you can no longer get any advertisers*, and you are opening your company, and potentially yourself personally up for all sorts of legal fun times if you can't show you've made even just a modest but realistic attempt, and even got rid of the people that you are legally required to have in order to operate in several jurisdictions.

It's amazing how you are aware that twitter was losing money, but think it was some sort of genius idea to saddle the company with so much debt that it's losses instantly tripled, whilst having no plan for dealing with even it's original debt other than fire people at random without any clue who they were, or indeed your legal obligations.

*or at least the ones that actually paid a reasonable amount.
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This the same intelligence community that just got outed by Musk in the Twitter files? lol
Oh the highly edited and selective twitter files?
The ones that showed that most of the "intelligence community" were doing exactly what the law required them to do to, and that Twitter under it's previous management also did what the law required them to do?

IE US law says that if law enforcement require information from a company to identify potential criminals or as part of an investigation then the law enforcement agency has to cover the costs of retrieving that information so that it's not an undue burden on private companies.
Or that US law enforcement were requesting information on criminals.

Or that people were asking, through the proper channels for Twitter to enforce it's own terms and conditions of service.
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Oh look at all the rage because freedom of speech is back on Twitter.
For some it was their safe space where they could spew all their lies unchecked, NOT ANYMORE.
Now opinions from the other side are welcome too, oh the horror how can Elon Musk allow fair debate!!!!

I remember when these very forums used to allow constant attacking of muslims, wasn't it Werewolf one of the moderators in this very thread who said if people are wrong then you have to let them know through debate otherwise they keep believing the lie and this is why they do not censor....or words to that effect.
Your hypocrisy is showing through time and time again, in the Ukraine thread and now here too. You were ok with muslims being targetted for a decade yet will not allow debate when it comes to Ukraine.
Now here you are complaining about free speech on Twitter, what happened to educating people through debate?

Whatever you're smoking I want some :cry: Delusion like that normally isn't cheap though.

How is telling someone they are going to be raped or murdered "debate"?
I thought maybe you were actually interested in a debate. It seems not. What a surprise.

Oh really because it looked like you were asking me for drugs just 20 minutes ago.

Whatever you're smoking I want some
Oh really because it looked like you were asking me for drugs just 20 minutes ago.

There is this thing called humour. That post was delusional, its been shown that both left and right had people banned and the right got promoted more by the algorithm as they tended to post more controversial content and so generated more clicks.

Clearly I wasn't talking about someone threatening to rape me or kill me. You knew that though.

So you are fine with such threats on Twitter. If you aren't you'd be concerned that Elon has left Twitter with virtually zero moderation staff?
Clearly I wasn't talking about someone threatening to rape me or kill me. You knew that though.

Was it clear?, why would I think it would be about anyone else. I don't recall having a conversation about rape with you previously.
You just randomly brought it up, so I thought its one of those 'asking for a friend' when it's really about you.

So you are fine with such threats on Twitter. If you aren't you'd be concerned that Elon has left Twitter with virtually zero moderation staff?
Well that's just a flat out lie and those who keep repeating these lies are dishonest in their arguments, which is most of you.
I have had 3 people suspended going through the complaints process for abuse on Twitter, this is in the last 2 months.
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There is this thing called humour. That post was delusional, its been shown that both left and right had people banned and the right got promoted more by the algorithm as they tended to post more controversial content and so generated more clicks.

Clearly I wasn't talking about someone threatening to rape me or kill me. You knew that though.

So you are fine with such threats on Twitter. If you aren't you'd be concerned that Elon has left Twitter with virtually zero moderation staff?

Are there some specific Tweets you've reported that you find disturbing or are you just speculating that there's a lack of moderation? What evidence is there to suggest Twitter is turning into some lawless place where death threats and rape threats are occurring?
Are there some specific Tweets you've reported that you find disturbing or are you just speculating that there's a lack of moderation? What evidence is there to suggest Twitter is turning into some lawless place where death threats and rape threats are occurring?
BBC News - How Elon Musk's tweets unleashed a wave of hate

Says enough but it's easy to find more evidence, or look further into that mentioned in the article.

Pair that with musks genius idea to promote users tweets if they've paid the £8 per month fee, those troll users can now even easier get to the top of others feeds.

It does amaze me that everything points to the moderation being worse under Musk and these being the side effects, and roar can't help but defend that and put down anyone who wants better moderation of hate/sexual/rale messages. That's literally all that's being asked, elon/twitter do better, and roar dismissing it and says its fine, and then other users say, you should expect it, and it's fine because it doesn't happen to them, and that going on twitter = getting rape messages.

Does roar think so little of Elon that he doesn't think Elon can do better? It seems so.
Are there some specific Tweets you've reported that you find disturbing or are you just speculating that there's a lack of moderation? What evidence is there to suggest Twitter is turning into some lawless place where death threats and rape threats are occurring?

Depends what circles you're in probably. I don't see any hate or disturbing content, and i spend more time on Twitter than OCUK. Tribal warriors who aren't interested in debate and conversation probably see it far more frequently than i do.
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