The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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No, if they have mental health problems or a weak constitution choosing to go on social media expecting everyone without those disabilities to speak softly and avoid all confrontation is both selfish and unrealistic. If they choose to venture onto social media they should know, or have it clearly indicated that it is a confrontational medium where people are free to robustly present opposing opinions.

Anxiety isn't a disability. Twitter isn't 4chan or at least it isn't supposed to be, if it goes that way it will end up with the same user group and will be bankrupt. You might want it to be somewhere you can be racist, anti sematic, sexist or just bully to your hearts content but that isn't what the majority of its users want. So no it shouldn't be someone where pile on bullying is accepted and I don't care what side is doing the bullying.

I think Musk can, within the relevant laws, do what the hell he likes with Twitter, and if his fancies cause it to falter or fold, upset advertisers or upset elements of the user base, it's his prerogative to do all or any of that
My honest belief is it had a pretty blatant political bias enabled by those that were running it, and those that made use of that bias to promote their agendas and silence dissenters are now agog with indignity that their cloistered meeting place has had the doors and windows thrown wide asunder.

Of course he can do as he pleases, where has anyone said different.

Your honest belief is wrong. And that has been proven many times over. Conservative voices weren't being censored, they were being promoted. Yes some were banned but so were liberal voices.
This is it, a certain set of people were allowed to spread lies, abuse, troll, wish death upon the people they despised and they got away with it for so long.
If any of their targets tried to reply in the same manner they were banned.
Elon Musk has brought some balance and heads are exploding, so many are foaming at the mouth that others can call out their lies without being banned.
So many are now in tears that when they give abuse that they get some back.

So yes if you are one of those who believes everyone needs to be censored who doesn't agree with you...IT SUCKS FOR YOU

Even Clown World picked up on the BBCs stupid headline.


If your head exploded then this him/her/she/they/xe/xes/dkjhsdjkhfhgikjf can relate with you.

Christ what a trainwreck

My favourite bit is the bit where you say “Even clown world” as if it’s some kind of credible thing and not a dunce-tier Twitter account aimed at stoking culture war tensions.

Then just the random posting of the token screaming woman and photo of the tate brothers, trump and musk lol.

The brain rot is strong
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News flash. The world is full of ****.
If you don't like it, don't go there. Its that simple. Or like I said, block them and get on with your life.
Its akin to a vegan going to a restaurant and complaining they serve meat.
Yes you're right. Under Elon Twitter is a nasty place to go if you don't want to be met with messages about being hung, killed, raped etc.

Well said.
And it's doing well at driving off a lot of the better users because of that.

I've seen a few authors who had been on there for years give up because although Twitter was great (emphasis for was) for interacting with fans and potential new readers, the changes have basically meant that they're getting uncontrollable levels of spam and abuse and even if they might be able to stomach it, they don't want to be associated with it or put their name to a service where their readers are facing an onslaught of it.

It seems that all the authors, artists etc who I follow (albeit a relatively small number), especially the more experienced and thus you'd think "stronger stomach" ones (as they've been online in some cases for decades) are trying to ensure they have a place to go that's at least marginally better*, and letting their fans know about it.
A number of them are rightfully a bit bitter that it's yet another social media platform that's been ruined after a purchase by someone who hasn't got a clue or doesn't care.

Musks' "amnesty" let back on years and years of the worst kind of users that Twitter had, not to mention god only knows how many millions of bot accounts, and he got rid of most of the people at Twitter who actively dealt with them (and did things like watch out for bot swarms and took steps to stop them before they interacted with too many people), so it's not even a case of "block and carry on as before" for the people that tend to get targeted, as it's actively worse now than it was before Musk.

*Somewhere that has any sort of moderation/protection teams left in place for example.
And it's doing well at driving off a lot of the better users because of that.

I've seen a few authors who had been on there for years give up because although Twitter was great (emphasis for was) for interacting with fans and potential new readers, the changes have basically meant that they're getting uncontrollable levels of spam and abuse and even if they might be able to stomach it, they don't want to be associated with it or put their name to a service where their readers are facing an onslaught of it.

It seems that all the authors, artists etc who I follow (albeit a relatively small number), especially the more experienced and thus you'd think "stronger stomach" ones (as they've been online in some cases for decades) are trying to ensure they have a place to go that's at least marginally better*, and letting their fans know about it.
A number of them are rightfully a bit bitter that it's yet another social media platform that's been ruined after a purchase by someone who hasn't got a clue or doesn't care.

Musks' "amnesty" let back on years and years of the worst kind of users that Twitter had, not to mention god only knows how many millions of bot accounts, and he got rid of most of the people at Twitter who actively dealt with them (and did things like watch out for bot swarms and took steps to stop them before they interacted with too many people), so it's not even a case of "block and carry on as before" for the people that tend to get targeted, as it's actively worse now than it was before Musk.

*Somewhere that has any sort of moderation/protection teams left in place for example.

I'm pretty sure those users could make a new account in a few minutes regardless of a ban. If I open Twitter and look at replies, the one's with abusive language are hidden and you have to click to view them
News flash. The world is full of ****.
If you don't like it, don't go there. Its that simple. Or like I said, block them and get on with your life.
Its akin to a vegan going to a restaurant and complaining they serve meat.

If you want that experience then 4chan and 8 chan are there for you. The vast majority of people don't want that experience and advertisers don't want their products associated with that speech either.
If you want that experience then 4chan and 8 chan are there for you. The vast majority of people don't want that experience and advertisers don't want their products associated with that speech either.

Twitter isn't anything close to that though, most people in society aren't the types of users who go onto 4chan and 8chan, so Twitter will never be like that
Twitter isn't anything close to that though, most people in society aren't the types of users who go onto 4chan and 8chan, so Twitter will never be like that
Twitter isn't like it at the moment.

That can change, and will change as the lack of any attempt to maintain standards or moderation on the platform has the fairly inevitable result when those that get fed up of the trolls and idiots move off to other platforms.
As I say, some have already done that, even more are actively making plans or for now maintaining a presence on twitter and on platforms they hadn't bothered with before.
Twitter isn't like it at the moment.

That can change, and will change as the lack of any attempt to maintain standards or moderation on the platform has the fairly inevitable result when those that get fed up of the trolls and idiots move off to other platforms.
As I say, some have already done that, even more are actively making plans or for now maintaining a presence on twitter and on platforms they hadn't bothered with before.
I'd argue twitter is worse already, though not from my experience, based on what others have reported.

But my thinking is that, 4chan if I post something, it's impossible that I can get abuse directed at me other than in a reply from what I posted, but it never is directed directly to me, but to me as a single person posting something with no way they can know anything else I've ever done.

Twitter however, people can and do sned direct personal messages say they will hang them or rape them. They can get personal addresses, etc. So twitter abuse is currently worse because it could lead to more. 4chan abuse can never lead to more, unless you literally post your name and address for some stupid reason.
Twitter isn't like it at the moment.

That can change, and will change as the lack of any attempt to maintain standards or moderation on the platform has the fairly inevitable result when those that get fed up of the trolls and idiots move off to other platforms.
As I say, some have already done that, even more are actively making plans or for now maintaining a presence on twitter and on platforms they hadn't bothered with before.

Which incredibly well moderated platforms are there? Moderation costs money, you seem to want Twitter to have a team of thousands of moderators when that simply isn't feasible with the operating model Elon wants, since it would require the types of advertisers who would want the platform to be a "safe space" where even moderately controversial views would be censored.
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Twitter isn't anything close to that though, most people in society aren't the types of users who go onto 4chan and 8chan, so Twitter will never be like that

4chan wasn’t like it is today from the beginning. It’s a slow decline.

The point is though that people are saying either man up or stay away, that is exactly what 4chan is like.
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Oh look at all the rage because freedom of speech is back on Twitter.
For some it was their safe space where they could spew all their lies unchecked, NOT ANYMORE.
Now opinions from the other side are welcome too, oh the horror how can Elon Musk allow fair debate!!!!

I remember when these very forums used to allow constant attacking of muslims, wasn't it Werewolf one of the moderators in this very thread who said if people are wrong then you have to let them know through debate otherwise they keep believing the lie and this is why they do not censor....or words to that effect.
Your hypocrisy is showing through time and time again, in the Ukraine thread and now here too. You were ok with muslims being targetted for a decade yet will not allow debate when it comes to Ukraine.
Now here you are complaining about free speech on Twitter, what happened to educating people through debate?
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Why do you seem to always gloss over when hostile states get one step closer to destroying us?

I'll wait for the evidence to appear, however that evidence won't appear because it's just been made up.

The actual quote is that they're "anxious" that he has given them data, not that he has, simply that they're anxious. So has he or not? It's just a fake news story deliberately put out there to be negative PR for him.
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