Show me a Left leaning forum where Musk's name is not mud. It's actually quite pitiable that so many claim their sudden hatred of him is NOT politically led.
This is beyond ridiculous, so much so that it’s quite obviously projection of a sort.
From the majority of people in this thread, the criticisms of Musk have been based almost exclusively upon his dreadfully poor decision making when it comes to running a company that clearly doesn’t suit his realm of expertise.
There’s no hatred, merely criticism of his compoundingly poor business decisions, combined with some confusion as to why he’s alienating the advertisers who make up the bulk of his newly acquired company’s revenue.
It’s patently obvious that his recent, disingenuous embrace of the far right and his descent into conspiracy theory is little more than deliberate profiteering that exploits the weak minded.
He doesn’t believe most of the stuff he’s recently been espousing, he’s not that stupid; but as this forum is clearly demonstrating, some of his simps absolutely are that dumb; and like every other grifter before him, he’s recognised it and is prepared to exploit that fact.
For you or anyone else to pretend that’s it’s those who are critical of him who are playing politics is mind bogglingly ridiculous; when it’s so hilariously obvious that his small minded victims and those who have jumped to his defence with no understanding whatsoever of any impact he may or may not have caused, or how indeed the industry he’s injected himself into operates, are doing so purely out of some kind of bizarre political kinship, because they hilariously perceive him as an ally when he’s so obviously actually not, is honestly… Utterly laughable.
If musk manages to turn around Twitter, I’ll be the first person to praise his business acumen in this specific area and will happily admit that he got it right; but right now it really doesn’t look as though that’s the case.
Instead, from where the rest of us are standing, there’s simply a handful of oddball simps in this forum, who are absolutely incapable of any kind of objectivity whatsoever, who are viewing this entire thing through the lens of their own small minded politics themselves.
It’s cringeworthy and this kind of gaslighting needs calling out for what it is.