The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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It seems you need to own your speculation and not fob me off with implied facts.

Let me show you what your sense looks like in action

What is the account status of each and what does each tweet :)

Like what is you point? I've linked you to the Verge article saying it's 10k largest organisation accounts that get a free tick, I'm just going off that.

Wendy's is in the top 10k or is paying for a company account and Manchester City council isn't in the top 10k/isn't paying for a tick?

I think you might be on the wind up now, because i've no idea what you're getting at
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Like what is you point? I've linked you to the Verge article saying it's 10k largest organisation accounts that get a free tick, I'm just going off that.

Wendy's is in the top 10k or is paying for a company account and Manchester City council isn't in the top 10k/isn't paying for a tick?

I think you might be on the wind up now, because i've no idea what you're getting at

It might be the case that you are on another level.

Wendys had special status from size. Posts pure trash for self-promotion.
Manchester City Council isn't popular enough to get special status. Posts to inform the public.

And what did you say. Lets quote it again.
And it makes some sense too, it keeps official info from companies flowing throughout the platform. Celeb info and tweeting is not really official, it's self-promotion essientially.

But I'm wasting my time aren't I. This is all dirt on the floor to walk past.

Loads of individual accounts are being given free subscriptions. I should put money on my predictions.
No it wouldn't, turning it into Gab would be a massive mistake, and he aint that stupid.

Why? It's worked for Gab.

Much like you prefer OCUK not to be like 4chan, where anyone can say any old bile.

OCUK is not Twitter. But the moderation rules were changed to allow 'any old bile', I'd still come here, just as I still read KiwiFarms despite the fact that its lack of restraint is almost identical to Gab's.
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It might be the case that you are on another level.

Wendys had special status from size. Posts pure trash for self-promotion.
Manchester City Council isn't popular enough to get special status. Posts to inform the public.

And what did you say. Lets quote it again.

Manchester city council isn't a celebrity. I did make that distinction, two buckets, celebrity/individual accounts and company/org accounts. Just because you thought the leak included everyone, that's one you, not me. You keep going round and round with this.

But I'm wasting my time aren't I. This is all dirt on the floor to walk past.

Loads of individual accounts are being given free subscriptions. I should put money on my predictions.

And this has just happened? It wasn't the case 48 hours ago. We can only talk about stuff which is in front of us, hence the link to this article..
It makes no mention of celebrity accounts being given free ticks.
But this is interesting, does everyone that complained about the blue check now have to turn it off?

Chrissy Teigen has.

Will Stephen King?

Musk should use this opportunity to see what actual damage there would be if he turned it off properly. Kind of like a sifting mechanism, 48 hours isn't enough to know who would have paid, most don't check Twitter everyday, they post every couple of days. If there isn't an ulterior motive then i'm really not sure what the point of it was.
Why? It's worked for Gab.

OCUK is not Twitter. But the moderation rules were changed to allow 'any old bile', I'd still come here, just as I still read KiwiFarms despite the fact that its lack of restraint is almost identical to Gab's.

Well you're probably in a small minority then. Clearly the mods don't think its a good idea to have 4chan type rules, and i think most people here would stop coming if that was the case.
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LOL now you can't search Twitter without an account... that generally doesn't work to force people into signing up - quite the opposite lowers engagement which tends to result in people going elsewhere and so less likely to create an account.
Manchester city council isn't a celebrity. I did make that distinction, two buckets, celebrity/individual accounts and company/org accounts. Just because you thought the leak included everyone, that's one you, not me. You keep going round and round with this.

Utterly shameless :cry:

Two clear organisations being demonstrated, the one that actually posts to inform the public doesn't get status while the one with status posts trash.

And you reply with utter drivel about celebrities and hide from the challenge to your words of the status benefiting official information.

And this has just happened? It wasn't the case 48 hours ago. We can only talk about stuff which is in front of us, hence the link to this article..
It makes no mention of celebrity accounts being given free ticks.

No. That's your limitation. Do you think this next quote was written just now?

In 2023, real Twitter status is when Elon pays your Twitter subscription himself :p

If your account generates tens of millions of interactions a day and you don't upset the manchild your account isn't getting kneecapped.

That was 3 weeks ago.

My favourite bit is in the comments.

Someone else with a blue tick complains that they’re still shadowbanned despite paying for their checkmark, and Joey Mannarino replies “Same, it’s a bit insane. I hope they fix the code soon”. :cry:

The other replies are gold as well, “you’re not shadowbanned, it’s just that nobody likes you”. Poor guy.
No he doesn't call himself a free speech absolutist.


But I guess you'll dismiss that as the fake news media, so I wonder what the guy says himself

I'm sure he's changed his tune when it suits him, but to say he hasn't presented himself as a free speech absolutist, before he got into the mire of Twitter, is just lying.
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I think it's the do as I say not as I do that gets people.

I personally see free speech no criminal consequences as extremely dangerous. Elon Musk found that out himself with the guy who tracks every movement of Elon Musk's private planes.

What did Elon Musk do as a free speech all the time guy. Ban him, then let him back on but only with a 24 hour delay.

I think it's a perfectly fair thing for Elon Musk to do, but use that as growth point to realise actually there does need to be limits on free speech. (My best example would be maciliously shouting fire in a crowded nightclub or cinema.)
Why on earth are celebrities even moaning? It's absolutely hilarious, either pay it or don't and shut up.

It's not a right for your status to be shown on someone's social media website.

The whole thing is absolutely nonsense, and then everyone else moaning for them. Hilarious.
He paid one of the biggest social media sites/a billionaire, money for a little blue tick next to his name to tell silicon valley to go screw itself?


What is wrong with these people.
The life of the parasocial simp is an arduous one, especially so since they'll never actually get noticed like they want to and will sacrifice everything to do so. Dignity and pride are foreign concepts to these people.
Well you're probably in a small minority then. Clearly the mods don't think its a good idea to have 4chan type rules, and i think most people here would stop coming if that was the case.

This isn't directed at you @Trusty by the way...
I'm beginning to wonder why I bothered coming back right now, everyone has to be right, everyone thinks in black and white, no one can take what you say and see the nuance because not everyone is perfect at explaining on the page whats in their head.
Its turning into a cess pit of back and forth arguments.
why is everyone so ****ing invested in their agenda when it has abso-****ing-lutely ZERO impact on their life. None of you are famous, none of you have blue ticks, half of you don't even have twitter.
take a step back and look at how much of your life you spend on a screen arguing with other nobodies for NOTHING more than perceived internet clout with your peer group of the same nobodies in the ether of the internet.
go touch some grass, talk to your kids, stroke your pet,enjoy the sunshine and breathe FFS.
peace out.
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This isn't directed at you @Trusty by the way...
I'm beginning to wonder why I bothered coming back right now, everyone has to be right, everyone thinks in black and white, no one can take what you say and see the nuance because not everyone is perfect at explaining on the page whats in their head.
Its turning into a cess pit of back and forth arguments.
why is everyone so ****ing invested in their agenda when it has abso-****ing-lutely ZERO impact on their life. None of you are famous, none of you have blue ticks, half of you don't even have twitter.
take a step back and look at how much of your life you spend on a screen arguing with other nobodies for NOTHING more than perceived internet clout with your peer group of the same nobodies in the ether of the internet.
go touch some grass, talk to your kids, stroke your pet,enjoy the sunshine and breathe FFS.
peace out.
Nothing to do with clout, once you've spent enough time on this wretched illusionary space we call the internet you realise it's not to be taken seriously and you should take some comfort throwing rocks at the people who won't leave Plato's cave.
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