The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I have given you the facts which are available for the scenario you presented when answering a reply on the Elon jet events. A scenario which is easily seen as Elon Musks claims that his jet flight data was connected to a car incident.

This is important since you are using the scenario as presented by Elon Musk which is incredibly lacking in accuracy, as a starting point for claiming a lack of honesty.

Of course you don't deserve much, you chain post as if you're copy pasting with no actual connection to any ongoing discussion, hide from people bothering to reply, then vanish for a period then repeat.

My post is clearly in connection with publishing users private information where they do not want it published, even if it is available elsewhere if the user does not want it published on these forums or on Twitter then that users choice should be respected.

Now if you have an issue with that then sure debate that what is actually posted. I will repeat I have not written an account of Elons jet, the reporters or this Claire Elise Boucher who you mentioned.
My post is clearly in connection with publishing users private information where they do not want it published, even if it is available elsewhere if the user does not want it published on these forums or on Twitter then that users choice should be respected.

Now if you have an issue with that then sure debate that what is actually posted. I will repeat I have not written an account of Elons jet, the reporters or this Claire Elise Boucher who you mentioned.

Nothing to debate if you deny all connection of your scenario to the events in the post you replied to. The only debate available was the matter of using Elon Musks version of events to question honesty.

A brief look at the forum rules has the answer before you wrote it.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

As a baseline sites typically decide their willingness to allow information to be posted in accordance to various laws which have stronger or lesser protections for special categories such as "minor" or "public person".

What you're saying sounds like it has legal blowback so it's a flawed scenario.
My post is clearly in connection with publishing users private information where they do not want it published, even if it is available elsewhere if the user does not want it published on these forums or on Twitter then that users choice should be respected.

Now if you have an issue with that then sure debate that what is actually posted. I will repeat I have not written an account of Elons jet, the reporters or this Claire Elise Boucher who you mentioned.
The location of Musk's jet was in no way private information, it was publicly available at the time for anyone to look up as all private and commercial aircraft (with the exception of things like microlights) are required to display their locations at all times when in the air,* even military aircraft can only turn off their location under very controlled circumstances (and pretty much never over civilian areas when not in a potential combat zone).

Musk lied about pretty much everything to do with his car, as the location of the aircraft had nothing to do with what happened to the car, the aircraft was in a different city from memory, so if the alleged attacker was using information from the location of the aircraft he was in completely the wrong place.

It was also funny how Musk decided that personal information should be private (even when it's public available to be tracked by law), but then had no issue posting pictures of his alleged attacker and the car he used.
Musk also then banned multiple journalists for simply reporting on his banning of the person that had been posting the flight data for Musk's jet.

I don't think people would have had the issue they did with Musk deciding he didn't want his aircraft's location shown on twitter if he'd done a few things.
1: Asked the guy not to post it in advance.
2: Made a change to Twitters T&C before banning the guy.
2a: Applied the same rule consistently, there are trolls who repeatedly post actual addresses of people and Twitter just ignores those reports (far more so now that Twitter no longer has most of it's moderation teams, including almost all the ones that spoke anything other than English)
3: Not banned people for simply reporting on the ban of the guy (and lying saying they'd posted the information as well).
4: Not done all of that whilst claiming to be a bastion of free speech who was going allow pretty much anything on Twitter that was not actively illegal.

Many of the issues people are having with Musk is that he's not consistent at all, is showing no signs of thinking about what he's doing**, is not bothering to learn the basics about what is involved in the company he bought, and is making major changes to a platform that tens of millions use and in many cases rely on for important information (weather, local emergency alerts etc), and making them with what is often at best a few hours notice.

No other major platform does that, if just because most other major platforms tend to run major changes past legal, or consider the effect they'll have on the users and at least pretend to listen to feedback.

*The Aviation authorities world wide take an extremely dim view of people not showing the location of their aircraft to everyone, for some reason it's considered a serious risk when an aircraft can't see the location of another one (let alone ATC).

**The "Privacy" rule he retroactively imposed was so badly thought out it literally meant you couldn't mention that the President of the USA was giving a scheduled press conference in the White House, or that a singer was at a concert. At least until he revised it a few times.
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Nothing to debate if you deny all connection of your scenario to the events in the post you replied to. The only debate available was the matter of using Elon Musks version of events to question honesty.

A brief look at random garbage


I asked questions about publishing users information on these forums as it related to the post of banning a user from Twitter for publishing info about Elon
I used a made up forum member as an example.

So would you allow the publishing of forum members information on these forums by someone who didn't like said forum member, if that forum member had his car jumped on by a masked man would you allow this to continue?

Even if you say 'Yes' I won't believe you.

There is a serious lack of honesty when debating with you lot which has been proven time and time again.

Even if said forum members information was available elsewhere it still would not be ok, if the forum member did not want his information to be released on these forums then his choice should be respected.

I guess I will leave you with this.

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The location of Musk's jet was in no way private information, it was publicly available at the time for anyone to look up as all private and commercial aircraft (with the exception of things like microlights) are required to display their locations at all times when in the air,* even military aircraft can only turn off their location under very controlled circumstances (and pretty much never over civilian areas when not in a potential combat zone).

Musk lied about pretty much everything to do with his car, as the location of the aircraft had nothing to do with what happened to the car, the aircraft was in a different city from memory, so if the alleged attacker was using information from the location of the aircraft he was in completely the wrong place.

It was publicly available elsewhere but he did not want it available on Twitter.

So if a overclockers forum member is on a dating site with their info pictures available, someone starts pasting this info/links in these forums, the forum user is not happy that this data is available here.
Give an honest yes/no answer would you allow a forum member to be targetted in such a way?
Thanks to Elon Musk people have a place they can have discussions without fear of getting banned, simply for speaking the truth.

All I can say is the changes Elon is pushing in the longer run are going to make Twitter an echo chamber... and destroy its wider appeal as changes like forcing people to login to search are just going to lower engagement and result in people going elsewhere where they don't encounter the same approach.
All I can say is the changes Elon is pushing in the longer run are going to make Twitter an echo chamber... and destroy its wider appeal as changes like forcing people to login to search are just going to lower engagement and result in people going elsewhere where they don't encounter the same approach.

That Ukraine thread what you spend most of your time in is an echo chamber.

In regards to Twitter if all you follow are people who share your point of view then there will be very little actual debate and you end up with a warped sense of reality.
I personally follow a mixed bag and only debate with people from the other side.
That Ukraine thread what you spend most of your time in is an echo chamber.

In regards to Twitter if all you follow are people who share your point of view then there will be very little actual debate and you end up with a warped sense of reality.
I personally follow a mixed bag and only debate with people from the other side.

Hah if you think I spend most of my time in it, of course you don't believe that but handy to try and portray it that way.

3267 posts in 9 years is a relatively small fraction of my posting history - I have more posts in ~3 years on COVID alone.
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All I can say is the changes Elon is pushing in the longer run are going to make Twitter an echo chamber... and destroy its wider appeal as changes like forcing people to login to search are just going to lower engagement and result in people going elsewhere where they don't encounter the same approach.

My brother has already mentioned that to me out of the blue yesterday, apparently he doesn't have a twitter account as he doesn't like social media much*, he's just not going to bother with it (he used to use it to get information from a couple of games companies).

*I don't like it much, and barely tolerate facebook in a private window without any personal information on my account, he's forced to use it for one of his clubs, he actively poisons the data collection by feeding facebook fake info on pretty much everything about him (and also uses a private window).

My brother has already mentioned that to me out of the blue yesterday, apparently he doesn't have a twitter account as he doesn't like social media much*, he's just not going to bother with it (he used to use it to get information from a couple of games companies).

*I don't like it much, and barely tolerate facebook in a private window without any personal information on my account, he's forced to use it for one of his clubs, he actively poisons the data collection by feeding facebook fake info on pretty much everything about him (and also uses a private window).

I don't have a Twitter account - I use it for information a fair bit - mostly to link to information which surfaces there in more readily available form or to check if it has been verified by accounts there who do that kind of thing, etc. but Elon is increasingly making it less useful for that. I actually considered creating an account awhile back but then aborted on principle when they started doing silly things to try and force people to login pre-Elon which he actually rolled back initially on taking over but now seems to be going down the same road and looks to be about to double down on.

It is weird for me that he seemingly can't see that the changes he is pushing are ultimately going against his best interests until it gets to the point he is losing money or publicly shamed in a way he can't ignore.
I asked questions about publishing users information on these forums as it related to the post of banning a user from Twitter for publishing info about Elon
I used a made up forum member as an example.

Run and hide in a cloud of memes and a funny smell because you're stuck in the unenviable situation of being told it's a stupid and probably illegal scenario and pretending it's not the stupid Elon scenario that he lied about.

You think it's not incredibly obvious how badly you're trying to ship Elons story as as a made up forum member.

So would you allow the publishing of forum members information on these forums by someone who didn't like said forum member, if that forum member had his car jumped on by a masked man would you allow this to continue?

Even if you say 'Yes' I won't believe you.

There is a serious lack of honesty when debating with you lot which has been proven time and time again.

Even if said forum members information was available elsewhere it still would not be ok, if the forum member did not want his information to be released on these forums then his choice should be respected.

Nothing to debate if you deny all connection of your scenario to the events in the post you replied to. The only debate available was the matter of using Elon Musks version of events to question honesty.

A brief look at the forum rules has the answer before you wrote it.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

As a baseline sites typically decide their willingness to allow information to be posted in accordance to various laws which have stronger or lesser protections for special categories such as "minor" or "public person".

What you're saying sounds like it has legal blowback so it's a flawed scenario.

Find the guts to stop pretending and either justify how your scenario was an honest comparison to Elon banning a plane guy because of a car guy or simply defend the Elon scenario without the pantomime.

Also the plane guy is still on Twitter and still tracking Elons jet and Elon stopped harassing him so work that in somehow:

As Brandon Collado stalks cars he thinks Claire Elise Boucher is in today he has exactly as much up to date information about Elons jet as he had previously and it's exactly as useful.

But while you're here and your facade of being able to discuss in a civil way has fallen off, I have something for your memeories.

I call this video clip and it's star, Amnesia because that's always the name next to it.

It's your choice what you watch and share and others of what to associate with you.
He has a physics degree, but apparently he just spent a lot of time studying rockets over the course of about 4 years. That's why he can talk in detail about rockets without having a degree.

You can actually Google and learn this

He says he does engineering, people who know him say he's the Chief Engineer, no one in the industry has called him a fraud or claimed he doesn't do what he says he does. This isn't even contentious.

So he is to blame for the rocket launch failure?

A good write-up on the failure of the recent Starship launch.

TLDR version.
  • The no-clamps slow throttle-up meant Starship stayed on the pad for a long time, throwing up concrete, rock, and sand all directions, damaging the pad, nearby facilities, and Starship itself.
  • By the time it left the pad, that debris had already destroyed three of Starship’s engines and likely damaged valves and systems that would lead to additional engine failures as well as an incorrect fuel mixture.
  • Starship was slow to reach every point in the flight plan, suggesting that other engines were not able to throttle up to compensate for the lost engines.
  • At what should have been stage separation, either software errors or more smashed hardware kept the main booster firing long after it should have shut down.
  • The result was an uncontrolled spin that required Starship to be destroyed.
It also goes on to blame Musk 100% for the failure due to his insistence on not having:
  • A flame-diverter or flame trench to redirect the blast from the booster’s engines
  • A water deluge system to dump a massive amount of water around the launch tower during liftoff
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