The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I wonder how Khashoggi's family feel about his account saying he paid and verified considering the Saudi's own a big chuck of Twitter and their leader had him cut up with a bone saw?

Oh and he clearly didn't pay or get his number verified.


Nothing like a bit of Sunday afternoon recreational outrage
If he'd just had a paid for 'Simp Club' purple tick for people who wanted to have their Tweets promoted to other people with purple ticks, he'd probably have made as much in subs with none of this most amusing farce.
You've worded it differently to how I would have put it, but pretty much that.

If Musk hadn't decided that the people that were often the big draw to twitter should pay for the privalidge of making Twitter money, and just gone with a "paid for" option for those that were not notable already but wanted extra features then I suspect there would not have been much fuss about it.
Just simply not reusing the existing verification mark would have saved Twitter a massive amount of extremely bad publicity and ill will amongst both it's users who needed to know if an account was real or just paid for, and the likes to the companies that immediately had the completely unpredicted imitators who looked to a casual user exactly like they were the real account (well ok, not completely unpredicted, about half the internet could tell what was going to happen)

A number of the old verified users were already paying either Twitter or third party tools for extra features and pretty much no one would really have cared, it was the whole shakedown of the likes of Stephen King and the utterly disorganised manner in which it's been done that has made the paid for mark something so mocked an unwanted.

This mess could have been avoided by some actual understanding of the platform and maybe some market research and discussion, instead it's been one change after another with no discussion, no feedback and in many cases the owner and face of twitter actively mocking and working hard to alienate the people that any platform that relies on advertising needs to survive, and the funny thing is, it looks like Twitter hasn't actually managed to gain many paid for accounts (which is likely a good part of the reason for forcing users to have the paid for mark when they're not, it really muddies the water for anyone trying to externally monitor how many paid for accounts there are).
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Do you just blindly defend anything Twitter/Musk related regardless of context?

I just don't think blue ticks next to someone's name on a social media platform are anything worth stressing about. It's work in progress and will be sorted. Part of me also thinks Elon is just baiting headlines to drive twitter traffic as well. I bet most people on here have been sat on twitter half the afternoon lol
I've gotta say, a good portion of the comedic value provided by MuskTwitter is watching Musk fangirls contort themselves into some kind of Escher-esque pretzel trying to defend anything that he does. Whether that's on Twitter itself, or on Reddit, or on here, or...well, pick a platform.
I just don't think blue ticks next to someone's name on a social media platform are anything worth stressing about. It's work in progress and will be sorted. Part of me also thinks Elon is just baiting headlines to drive twitter traffic as well. I bet most people on here have been sat on twitter half the afternoon lol
well he is doing a terrible job of driving twitter traffic, visitors are down after the initial car crash rubber necking, and with it advertising funding has plummeted
It's a blue tick next to a name on the internet, if anyone is outraged by that then they should go do some charity work, run a marathon, anything to find some meaning in their pathetic life. That's my actual answer.

No that is what it used to be. Now it is an endorsement of Twitter because it says you paid and had you phone number verified. You can't claim people endorse a product when they haven't and doing it with dead people is just all kinds of wrong.
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It's a blue tick next to a name on the internet, if anyone is outraged by that then they should go do some charity work, run a marathon, anything to find some meaning in their pathetic life. That's my actual answer.
no one cares about the blue tick, people just find the complete farce and massive devaluing of Twitter hilarious.

If tou wanted to destroy Twitter from the inside out through terrible mismanagement then you would essentially follow what Musk has been doing. So much so that many wonder is he is purposely trying to make Twitter collapse so he can create some alternate platform for his sims and true believers.

You seem very upset when people are literally ROFLOL at every damn thing Musk does to Twitter? The rest of us just can't stop laughing at the hilarious mismanagement
It's a blue tick next to a name on the internet, if anyone is outraged by that then they should go do some charity work, run a marathon, anything to find some meaning in their pathetic life. That's my actual answer.

Hang on, doesn't this apply a lot more to defending a billionaire doing petty changes that are backpedalled regularly.

If they were good and welcomed changes there wouldn't be mockery, disgust and backpedalling right?

Outraged is a label to antagonise and exaggerate, If I ever use it, that's what I'm looking to do. How about you, are you honestly thinking the negative reactions are "outrage" or are you describing a strawman.
No that is what it used to be. Now it is an endorsement of Twitter because it says you paid and had you phone number verified. You can't claim people endorse a product then they haven't and doing it with dead people is just all kinds of wrong.
There us also this aspect, it is really not in good taste to make these claims that dead people paid for an account. This could have been so much better by simply saying what criteria were required for automatic blue tick, and removing all references to paid and verified.

But as always, Musk finds a way of causing maximum reputational damage to the brand and further driving advertisers away
It's a blue tick next to a name on the internet, if anyone is outraged by that then they should go do some charity work, run a marathon, anything to find some meaning in their pathetic life. That's my actual answer.

Oh and why always the insults? You love to claim people insult you but you then anyone who points out Elon's terrible decision making around Twitter have "pathetic lives". You seem to be spending enough time in this thread, your life pathetic is it? You really are a hypocrite on this, if you don't like insulting language aimed at you don't throw around insults. Most of us were taught this as children.
You know that someone is feeling insecure about their side of the argument when they have to resort to hypocritical criticism of someone spending the time to argue with them.
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