The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I'm taking the Tesla back to the dealer tomorrow, I think it's a nice car but I didn't know about the whole offering horses for massages thing, I feel misguided now...
How was anyone misguided when they bought products and services from him? People voluntarily gave him money because they thought what he was offering was good. Nothing else. No one was deceived or misguided. Elon has earned his success.

He hasn't earned his "success". He doesn't deserve such ridiculous and disproportionate wealth (this isn't just directed at him, this goes for all multi billionaires).
He hasn't earned his "success". He doesn't deserve such ridiculous and disproportionate wealth (this isn't just directed at him, this goes for all multi billionaires).

Well, the shareholders in tesla would seem to disagree with you on that as they were quite happy to approve his compensation plan. Perhaps you and Apex don't really understand how stocks work...

Will government make better use of the capital?

I'm not sure, I think the guy is a massive knob but he's a good salesman for selling 'his vision'
He got people onboard at Tesla and has done the same at Space X. tesla and space x do have some very talented engineers/scientists to get the actual products where they are but Musk's face, rightly or wrongly has helped drive up the stock price and more investment.
I'm not sure, I think the guy is a massive knob but he's a good salesman for selling 'his vision'
He got people onboard at Tesla and has done the same at Space X. tesla and space x do have some very talented engineers/scientists to get the actual products where they are but Musk's face, rightly or wrongly has helped drive up the stock price and more investment.

He is a good salesman and manipulator. The problem is that our society and economy is geared towards rewarding salesmen and manipulators more than the people who actually design and make products or who have new and innovative ideas.
No, but proportionally giving it to the ACTUAL people behind the success of his products and the people who work for his companies would.

IF that were the case there is (or at least was until recently, tech investment might be a bit harder to get in the short term now) no shortage of people ready to give them capital and let them try... ex Tesla or ex SpaceX Engineer etc.. is a good brand to attract investment from Angels, incubators, VCs etc..

In reality, some people choose to stay as salaried employers for a reason, not everyone is a would-be entrepreneur or would necessarily be good at it - it's not like the option isn't there in the US for employees like that.

Engineers are very well paid at companies like that though and do get a stake in the firm and get substantially rewarded when it does well. Plenty of Engineers at Tesla are millionaires now thanks to Elon.
He hasn't earned his "success". He doesn't deserve such ridiculous and disproportionate wealth (this isn't just directed at him, this goes for all multi billionaires).

He built a company from scratch, people valued his company and bought into it, grow up and stop being so jealous. Also he's selling ******* electric vehicles that are good for the environment, yet still the lefties aren't happy because someone else is successful
Once again I'll say I'm a huge fan of SpaceX but Musk has made so much of his money from the US Gov through NASA/The Air Force and Space Force and selling Carbon Credits with Tesla. That money kept his businesses afloat, it wasn't the general public buying his products that did that. Tesla does make money now selling cars but for a long time those Carbon Credits sales propped Tesla up and helped the share price and so added to his wealth.

I'm not knocking how he has made his money, he's a clever and clearly very driven guy but he shouldn't be anywhere near owning Twitter. Fortunately I don't think he will end up owning it now, he's looking for an off ramp that leaves him least out of pocket.
Once again I'll say I'm a huge fan of SpaceX but Musk has made so much of his money from the US Gov through NASA/The Air Force and Space Force and selling Carbon Credits with Tesla. That money kept his businesses afloat, it wasn't the general public buying his products that did that. Tesla does make money now selling cars but for a long time those Carbon Credits sales propped Tesla up and helped the share price and so added to his wealth.

I'm not knocking how he has made his money, he's a clever and clearly very driven guy but he shouldn't be anywhere near owning Twitter. Fortunately I don't think he will end up owning it now, he's looking for an off ramp that leaves him least out of pocket.

He literally invested his entire personal wealth into Tesla lol
He literally invested his entire personal wealth into Tesla lol

Without Carbon Credit sales it would have folded. Those Credits are given to Tesla for free by governments. You were claiming the general public supported his companies by buying his products, the public made up a tiny fraction of the money that kept Tesla going, certainly in the early years when car sales were crap. Even now those credit sales are what keep Tesla profitable, though that is changing as other car makers are no longer needing to buy them as they are making EV.

And he didn't put his entire personal wealth into Tesla, a lot went into developing SpaceX and the first Falcon rocket, once it finally made it to orbit NASA funding supported SpaceX.
I don't really see the point there tbh.. it's not like they had a monopoly on these things - the government creates those incentives and companies can respond and structure their businesses accordingly.

If it were easy to do it then there would be multiple similar companies to Tesla, as it stands they're a market leader when it comes to electric cars and that's in large part thanks to Elon joining the company as CEO. Other major manufacturers of electric cars are established car manufacturers rather than (relatively) new companies.

The alleged incident took place in 2016 and the settlement was agreed in 2018. According to a declaration prepared in support of the claim, the attendant said that after taking the job she was encouraged to train as a masseuse so she could give Musk massages. It was during one of those massages, onboard Musk’s Gulfstream jet, that she was propositioned by the SpaceX chief executive.

The attendant, who is not named by Insider, told her friend that she was asked to go to Musk’s cabin during a flight to London to give a “full body massage”. Upon entering the room, she found Musk was “completely naked except for a sheet covering the lower half of his body”. The declaration says that during the massage Musk “exposed his genitals” and “touched her and offered to buy her a horse if she would ‘do more,’ referring to the performance of sex acts”. The attendant, a horse rider, declined and continued with the massage without any sexual activity.
Encouraged to train as a masseuse so she could give Musk massages. Now where have we heard of sick powerful indivuals doing stuff like that before. I just cant for the life of me remember.


He hasn't earned his "success". He doesn't deserve such ridiculous and disproportionate wealth (this isn't just directed at him, this goes for all multi billionaires).

If you're basing that on the fact he had a little money to make money then you're in for a shock when you realise that's how most people get their wealth and/or build companies :cry:
Fact is, he made and sold a handful of companies and rejuvenated two major industries with a lot of hard work going off the number of books on him and interviews with past employees/partners. So it's a bit disingenuous to say he hasn't earnt it.

But, i agree that there are plenty of supporters, just read Twitter comments, that think he's the walking messiah and he seems have massive sway (still don't understand why) whilst he comes across as a complete prat and, recently, a bit Trump-esque which is worrying.

Once again I'll say I'm a huge fan of SpaceX but Musk has made so much of his money from the US Gov through NASA/The Air Force and Space Force...

Is SpaceX now profitable?
There was a point a few/handful of years back where they were allegedly haemorrhaging money even though they had client launches and, supposedly Starlink and Starship are doing something similar now.

Although there is that famous quote from Musk, and a few others i believe, that the success of SpaceX came down to a single Falcon (1 i believe) launch and the company would have folded if the launch wasn't successful.
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