The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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It’s not the same though if you can by it because it no longer verifies anything. Previously it was a verification that an account was the real celeb/organisation now it just means nothing except lonely weirdo’s can pay to have there replies more visible!

Yes that is true. At least with FB and Instagram you know their identity was actually verified. Though I can't anyone but creators getting it as what use is it to the average user/
Yup classic blue tick on twitter was verification.

Current blue tick on twitter is basically congratulations you've managed to make a card payment (we won't ask too much about whose card you used, and you'll probably get away with it until the card holder queries the transaction).

Facebook blue tick is pretty much paid for traditional Twitter blue tick potentially with some added benefits at some point.

The utterly stupid thing about the twitter tick fiasco is that it was utterly predictable the issues changing a properly verified tick into a just pay of it one was, and how easy it could have been avoided by doing something as simple as giving paid for users a different colour (something musk finally started to grasp).

It is funny as so many posters called it from day 1 and exactly what was predicted would happen happened.
If I called you a druggie would that make me your "simp"? What an awful expression, is it American?

I do love the way that he's getting personal satisfaction from his investment in Twitter and letting somewhat rip using his ultimate status there :)

It's always nice to see people who have worked hard and done well enjoy the fruits of their labour. I have too many successful friends who are totally introverted and boring, unable to go off piste in conversation or action. "Grey people". Musk is definitely not grey, nor boring :)
Do you like that he's 'giving it' to the left?
You can be fooled by impersonators if you're basically a blind pensioner

Now now Mr. Roar, don't be unkind to us..... :)

Old mate wants you to know he works incredibly hard, 7 days a week, and gets 6 hours of sleep a night (which is more than me, so **** you, Elon).

Of course, when you're that high on the corporate tree, your definition of 'work' tends to be somewhat flexible, and includes 'spending most of my time ****-posting on Twitter.'
I don’t really get why most creators or celebs would bother, is impersonation really that rife and believable on these platforms?
Yes it is, not just for the huge names either, virtually anyone who is well known in many areas has impersonators because where there are fans/people that look up to someone or their work there is a chance of scamming them.

And despite roar's nonsense comment, it can be very hard to tell if an account is real or not if there is no valid verification system in place and the account is not one you've found via very carefully following a url from a known good source (remember that typo squatting is exceptionally profitable).

It's not only money that is a problem with these fake accounts, it can and does become an issue of safety for the users being fooled, and especially for younger users as some of the scum that run these fake accounts do so in order to try and get pictures and videos of children (pre Musk I've seen actors and authors have to give warnings that their only account was verified and any account asking for such things was fake) .

As has been said many many times before the whole reason Twitter started their blue tick scheme was because an American sports personality was being impersonated and took twitter to court because they'd failed to do anything to protect his, and other people's identity on their platform.
The blue tick as it was, was pretty much the absolute minimum Twitter could do to show they'd made an attempt to stop that happening, hence why you had to be notable in your field (not famous overall), as typically your risk of being impersonated rises as you get more well known even if it's "just" in a specific fandom.

As an example of the sort of monetary fraud that is really common with fake accounts for "smaller" celebs* they'll try and direct you to places where you can buy "official merchandise" or get an autograph, these accounts often very deliberately mimicked the real accounts, now they can even have what used to be the "verified" tag.

And it's worth noting, that for many celebs/notable people it's not the money they lose due to the fake accounts, it's the damage that the fakes do to their reputation and harm to their fans.

*Think smaller authors, or the sort of actors who may not be A list, but you'll see people happily lining up to pay £25+ for an autograph at an event.
Old mate wants you to know he works incredibly hard, 7 days a week, and gets 6 hours of sleep a night (which is more than me, so **** you, Elon).

Of course, when you're that high on the corporate tree, your definition of 'work' tends to be somewhat flexible, and includes 'spending most of my time ****-posting on Twitter.'

I remember a few years back someone went through the official, published work diaries/self submitted work schedules of a bunch of company execs and millionaires and it turned out that in many instances what these CEO's etc classed as "work" usually included multiple hours of things that for the average employee would be "personal", such as "gym" or long meals and any commute, to the point where a claimed 12+ hour was more like 6 if you applied the same definitions.
It's a pity he had to buy the place in order to achieve that.

He was able to do all of that before buying Twitter.

Perhaps he should buy some UK universities and enable free speech in those institutions too?

Do you mean genuine free speech, or the 'free speech' we get when Erdogan tells Musk what to censor, and he immediately obeys?
I like that he's standing up for the right and his own opinions and the left In this instance can't try and ban him. It's a pity he had to buy the place in order to achieve that.

Perhaps he should buy some UK universities and enable free speech in those institutions too?
So your real problem here is that educated people tend to have more liberal and left(ish) political beliefs than the uneducated. Probably because it is less straight forward to suck them in with three word slogans, lies and conspiracy theories. It really is quite amusing watching you slowly but surely reveal yourself.
Old mate wants you to know he works incredibly hard, 7 days a week, and gets 6 hours of sleep a night (which is more than me, so **** you, Elon).

Of course, when you're that high on the corporate tree, your definition of 'work' tends to be somewhat flexible, and includes 'spending most of my time ****-posting on Twitter.'

Maybe working 7 days a week and only having 6 hours sleep a night is why he has gone totally ****** mad.

Ofcourse in reality, what he classes as "work" is probably hilarious.
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Maybe working 7 days a week and only having 6 hours sleep a night is why he has gone totally ****** mad.

Ofcourse in reality, what he classes as "work" is probably hilarious.

It'll be like Trump, who had 'executive time' written in the morning slot of his daily diary, which actually turned out to be watching TV, playing with his phone, and having a leisurely breakfast until 11am.
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