The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I don't see how anyone can look up to someone who essentially makes their kids fatherless by choice, it's hardly like he can blame the 'librul' school system either considering he sends them to the same schools the rest of the elite does but I doubt that'll stop him from blaming everyone else if they end up disappointing him having done literally nothing to raise them.
I don't see how anyone can look up to someone who essentially makes their kids fatherless by choice, it's hardly like he can blame the 'librul' school system either considering he sends them to the same schools the rest of the elite does but I doubt that'll stop him from blaming everyone else if they end up disappointing him having done literally nothing to raise them.
Owning the libs is a 24/7 job...
Elon out there absolutely killing it while people on here denigrate his achievements loool

- When asked why he involves himself in politics and things people will not be happy with him saying, he said, "I’m reminded of a scene in 'Princess Bride' where he confronts the person who killed his father and he says 'offer me money, offer me power, I don’t care,' meaning he really just doesn't care what other people think.
- Specifically Elon said, "I’ll say what I say and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."

Same. Most people daren't say what they really think and it's pathetic.
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Elon out there absolutely killing it while people on here denigrate his achievements loool

Same. Most people daren't say what they really think and it's pathetic.

Most people dont say what they really think since its going to have repercussions.
In these very threads you see how some people have to skirt around and try to avoid getting banned.

Its funny but when I have called out people being openly racist a few times, they have reacted very badly with "you cant call me that type comments", to being called a racist xenophobe, and yet they were only shortly before saying they should be allowed to call someone what they thought.
Its certainly a curious world we live in.
I really don't care about my opinions being popular with anybody, you strange man.
You have now activated blob fish mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elon out there absolutely killing it while people on here denigrate his achievements loool

Same. Most people daren't say what they really think and it's pathetic.
You cannot possibly think he believes any of that surely?

If he doesn't care about money then why did he bother making Twitter a subscription service or care whatsoever that the Turkish government was going to cut access? It's all so transparently ******** my dude.
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He lost nothing though, it's imaginary wealth because it only existed on paper. These click bait news stories are as dumb as the people who share them

So he's not very wealthy at all then by your metric so all your "you only hate him because he is rich" was a load of nonsense. Gotcha.

I tell you what though, I don't know a single wealth manager, nor person with wealth who considers it imaginary.
Its certainly not imaginary when you cash some in and buy houses etc with it.
So he's not very wealthy at all then by your metric so all your "you only hate him because he is rich" was a load of nonsense. Gotcha.

I tell you what though, I don't know a single wealth manager, nor person with wealth who considers it imaginary.
Its certainly not imaginary when you cash some in and buy houses etc with it.

Well, stocks and shares can be volatile, so probably you won't base how well you sleep on a night on if your stocks and shares happen to be performing if you're in the upper echelons of richest people. You understand that they'll trend up and down. If Elon or any billionaire started selling massive amounts of stock, that in itself would devalue it, so he was never really worth $250bn to begin with, that was simply a paper figure.
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Elon out there absolutely killing it while people on here denigrate his achievements loool

Same. Most people daren't say what they really think and it's pathetic.

At most he loses some of his theoretical money that is tied up in the stock of Tesla, he could lose 95% of that and still be in the top 1 percent of the worlds wealthiest (probably more like top 0.1% or higher), and that buys a lot of "freedom from consequences".
Meanwhile his employees are constantly getting harassed and persecuted for doing entirely legal things (indeed things the law specifically protects) because he doesn't like the idea of them potentially being able to get better working conditions/exercising their legal rights*.

Twitter as was had a reputation for protecting people's free speech, which I know goes against the must/right wing narrative, as they would actively fight to protect the privacy of users against government calls for information that they considered over reach, IIRC twitter as was had a legal team that was well known and respected for if need be going to court/forcing agencies to provide court orders before they would turn over user information, and in a number of cases provided the legal team to fight for users (because they understood that meekly rolling over to speculative requests set a very bad precedent).

Musk on the other hand has rolled over to the demands of the leader of a country that were not backed by that countries laws, and in a manner that was very much in the favour of that politician in the run up to an election.

*How many labour related legal suits has he lost now? Not to mention the retribution he's used against people voicing concerns over things like worker safety, or the safety of his vehicles.
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Elon out there absolutely killing it while people on here denigrate his achievements loool

Same. Most people daren't say what they really think and it's pathetic.

He's little better than Alex Jones at this point. He's way down the rabbit hole, he would have been better off quoting Alice Through The Looking Glass rather than the Princess Bride. His actual achievements are being tarnished by his insane behaviour on Twitter.

He lost nothing though, it's imaginary wealth because it only existed on paper. These click bait news stories are as dumb as the people who share them

So he's not the richest man on Earth then and its actually all meaningless as its just paper wealth. How do you square that with your defence of Elon when you claim that we "hate" him because he's the richest man on Earth? Seems to be some cognitive dissonance going on here.
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