Twitter was never worth $44bn on paper, but he had to pay a high price in order to secure the purchase.
The only reason he had to pay a high price was because that was the price he foolishly offered. Once Twitter agreed, he was locked into it by the contract. Twitter couldn't believe their luck, it's no secret they weren't worth that much and would have accepted less.
Musk tried every legal trick in the book to back out of the deal, but Twitter had him by the balls and there was no escape.
Remember, this all started when he said he would accept a seat on the board after becoming the largest shareholder. Then he changed his mind and said he would buy the company for $54.20 per share instead. This came to a grand total of $44 billion. Twitter said yes, and the rest is history.
I repeat: the only reason he paid $44 billion is because he willingly offered $44 billion. That was his offer, not theirs. Twitter didn't even put up an asking price, they just let him walk into the contract on his own terms and got it signed before he could think twice about it.
Musk kicked an own goal during a moment of hubris, it's as simple as that.
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