The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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It's like when people thought Trump could improve welfare because he was a billionaire lol.
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So his wealth has increased by more than the $44bn he spent on Twitter since the start of the year. He must really have trouble sleeping over that massive calamity.
lol so when his wealth is on the way down it's all "it's just pieces of paper, not real, nothing to see here",

but any way, why have you ignored that the amount lost was more and still more than the 44bn since he bought twitter? you realise the "start of the year" figure you give is the number at the bottom of the drop? it's not like he's just gone up and up and now is 44bn higher than before. but you know that right, it's just easier to defend and simp for elon when you view it the way you have.

Wasn't she only appointed at the start of the year? I'm guessing quitting is far better for your reputation once the head of the company is actively supporting things that undermine your role than staying on.

On a side note I saw something earlier that was pointing out that Walsh's choice of clothing for his "what is a woman" thing was possibly unintentionally ironic, apparently it was far closer to what was normally a "woman's style" than a men's style back in the good old days.
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